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States of Consciousness

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1 States of Consciousness
Carolynn DuBois Period 1 AP Psych

2 Definition of Consciousness
William James referred to consciousness as the stream of thought It serves two functions: 1. Monitoring ourselves and our relationship with our environment 2. Plans our responses to the information gathered by monitoring

3 Levels of Consciousness
PRECONSCIOUS: contains info available to consciousness, stores automatic behaviors SUBLIMNAL: a form of preconscious processing when we are faced with stimuli so rapidly, we are unaware of it. SUBCONSCIOUS/UNCONSCIOUS: the level at which information is stored that is too difficult to deal with (repressed ideas or memories)

4 SLEEP! Is an altered state of consciousness
Follows a 24 hour pattern due to circadian rhythms Divided into stages based on brain wave patterns measured by EEGs (electroencephalograms) that show the electrical activities of the brain

5 Sleep Stages Each sleep cycle is about 90 minutes long
Before sleep: awake, relaxed, ALPHA WAVES Drifting off: Stage 1, small irregular BETA Deeper sleep: THETA Even deeper: Stage 2, skeletal muscles relax SLEEP SPINDLES, broken up by large, slow K COMPLEXES Stages 3 and 4: DELTA WAVES Rapid Eye Movement: REM , eyes move vigorously, associated with dreaming, very deep sleep Each sleep cycle is about 90 minutes long

6 Sleep Disorders Insomnia is a lack of sleep that can take the form of the inability to sleep or maintain sleep Narcolepsy-inability to stay awake Sleep apnea- breathing stops breathing while sleeping Somnambulism- a.ka. Sleepwalking Activation-synthesis hypothesis- proposed that dreams are the product of our awareness of neural activity due to sensory input while we sleep

7 Hypnosis An altered state of consciousness in which the hypnotized person is relaxed and open to suggestion Has some clinical applications: extraction of memories, posthypnotic suggestion to treat pain or stop a bad habit

8 Psychoactive Drug Overview
Produce altered states of consciousness Include CNS Depressants, CNS Stimulants, Narcotics-substances derived from the opium plant hallucinogens-drugs that induce illusions and hallucinations Barbiturates are drugs that inhibit neural arousal centers

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