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Fitness isn’t owned it’s rented and you have to Pay rent everyday

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Presentation on theme: "Fitness isn’t owned it’s rented and you have to Pay rent everyday"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitness isn’t owned it’s rented and you have to Pay rent everyday
Stay Motivated Stay fit Stay strong

2 Creating your workout What are your fitness goals? Toning, fat loss, lean muscle gain, flexibility, strength, speed, endurance, sport-specific skills (ex: jump higher), maintenance of current fitness level (what did it take to get you there) How often will you be exercising? 5-6 days a week? 3 days a week? alternating cardio and lifting days? Yoga/pilates classes? Where will you be exercising and what equipment is available?

3 Your workout Please create something you WILL actually do!
My goal is to help you reach YOUR maximal potential!

4 Today is the day to make it a priority!
Someday, all that will matter is your health! Today is the day to make it a priority! Stay motivated stay fit stay strong

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