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What is Fin? Fin is an extended surface, added onto a surface of a structure to enhance the rate of heat transfer from the structure. Example: The fins.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Fin? Fin is an extended surface, added onto a surface of a structure to enhance the rate of heat transfer from the structure. Example: The fins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Loss in Thin Fins (Initial notes are designed by Dr. Nazri Kamsah)

2 What is Fin? Fin is an extended surface, added onto a surface of a structure to enhance the rate of heat transfer from the structure. Example: The fins fitted around a motorcycle engine block. Quiz: Can you think of other practical examples?

3 Thin Rectangular Fin We will develop finite element formulation to model and analyze heat transfer process in thin rectangular fins. The objective is to determine: a) Temperature distribution in the fin; and b) Total heat dissipated. Thin rectangular fins used in heat sink design for microelectronic cooling.

4 Heat Transfer in Thin Fins
Temperature gradient is assumed to exists in one direction only. Thus, heat transfer through thin fin can be treated as one-dimensional. Note: Heat flows through the fin by conduction and is dissipated to ambient air by convection. The two heat transfer modes occur simultaneously.

5 The Governing Equation
Performing an energy balance across an elemental section of the thin rectangular fin yields the governing equation for heat transfer trough the fin, given by (7-1) where Q represents the internal heat generation, in W/m3. Note: In general, thermal conductivity, k varies along the x-direction. For isotropic, homogeneous material, k is uniform and has the same value in all directions.

6 Finite Element Modeling
Since heat transfer through thin fin is assumed one-dimensional, we will model the fin using one-dimensional heat transfer elements. The fin is discretized into three elements, as shown. Global coordinate A single element will be in a local coordinate system. Local coordinate

7 Temperature Function The temperature varies from T1 at node 1 to T2 at node 2 in an element. To predict temperature at any point between the two nodes we need to establish a temperature function. For simplicity, it is assumed that the temperature varies linearly within the element. Therefore, we establish a linear temperature function in the form, (7-2) where N1 and N2 are linear shape functions given by (7-3)

8 Element Conductivity Matrix
A one-dimensional heat transfer element is used to model thin fins, which is similar to the element used to model the plane wall (Chapter 6). Therefore the element conductivity matrix for the plane wall can be used for the thin fin, so that (7-4) where k is thermal conductivity of the fin material (W/m K) and le is the element length.

9 Element Heat Transfer Matrix
In thin fins, heat is dissipated primarily by convection heat transfer. The effect of conduction through the fin is represented by the conductivity matrix [kT] just established. To include the effect of convection heat transfer, we need to establish a heat transfer matrix, [hT]. It can be shown that the element heat transfer matrix is given by, (7-5) where, h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) le = element length (m) t = thickness of the fin (m)

10 Exercise 1 A circular rod of diameter D = 5 mm and length L = 190 mm has it’s base maintained at Tb = 100C. It is made of copper with thermal conductivity k = 398 W/m K. The surface of the rod is exposed to ambient air at temperature T∞ = 25C, with convection heat transfer coefficient, h = 100 W/m2K. Model the rod using two elements. Assemble the global: a) conductivity matrix; b) heat transfer matrix due to convection. Assume thickness, t  0.8D. A protruding rod, which can be treated as a pin fin.

11 Element Heat Rate Vector
In thin fins, the heat rate vector is contributed also by the heat loss by convection from the fins. Using the Galerkin’s approach, it can be shown that the element heat rate vector can be expressed as (7-6) where, T = ambient temperature (in K); h = convective heat transfer coefficient ( in W/m2K); t = thickness of the fin (in m); le = element length (in m).

12 System of Linear Equations
The system of linear equations (SLEs) for a single element, can be written in a condensed matrix form as, (7-7) where [kT]e = element conductivity matrix (due to conduction); [hT]e = element heat transfer matrix (due to convection); {T}e = nodal temperature vector (unknown); {r}e = element heat rate vector (due to convection). Note: If the fin is insulated, then the magnitude of both [hT]e and {r}e will be zero.

13 Exercise 2 Reconsider Exercise 7-1. a) Assemble the global heat rate vector for the rod; b) Write the global system of linear equation for the problem. A protruding rod, which can be treated as a pin fin.

14 Thermal Boundary Conditions
Temperature at the base of the fin, Tb is usually assumed to be the same as the temperature of the structure. The tip of the fin can be assumed as adiabatic or insulated. Therefore, the heat flux q = 0. Hence, the boundary conditions for the fin are, Global coordinate

15 Exercise 3 Reconsider Exercise 7-2. a) Apply the boundary conditions; b) Solve the modified global system of linear equations for the unknown temperature distribution in the rod. A protruding rod, which can be treated as a pin fin.

16 Heat Dissipated From an Element
The heat dissipated, He, from a single element can be estimated using the Newton’s law of cooling, given by (7-8) where h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K), Tavg = average temperature in the element (K), T = ambient temperature (K), As = surface are of the fin (m2), w = width of the fin (m), le = length of the element (m). The total heat dissipated from the fin, (7-9)

17 Exercise 4 Reconsider Exercise 7-3. Knowing the temperature distribution, estimate the total amount of heat dissipated from the rod to the ambient air. Note that for a circular-shape (or pin) fin, the area for heat transfer, As = DL. A protruding rod, which can be treated as a pin fin.

18 Example 1 A metallic fin is 0.1 cm thick,10 cm long, and 1 m width, has a thermal conductivity, k = 360 W/moC. It extends from a plane wall whose surface temperature is 235oC. The convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 9 W/m2oC. Determine: a) Temperature distribution in the fin, b) Total heat dissipated from the fin to ambient air, at 20oC. Solution Model the fin using three one-dimensional elements. Assume the tip of the fin is insulated.

19 1. Write the element conductivity matrices
Since the fin is made up of homogeneous material and that all elements have the same length, the conductivity matrix for all elements will be the same, i.e. 2. Assemble global conductivity matrix, we get Connectivity with the global nodes.

20 3. Write the element heat transfer matrices.
Since all elements have the same length and thickness, the heat transfer matrix for all elements will be the same, i.e. 4. Assemble global heat transfer matrix Connectivity with the global nodes.

21 5. Write the element heat rate vector
Since all elements have the same length and thickness, the heat rate vector for the elements will be the same, i.e. 6. Assemble global heat rate vector, we get 1 2 3 4 Connectivity with the global nodes.

22 7. Write the global system of linear equations, in the form
We have,

23 8. Impose the thermal boundary conditions.
Given, T1 = 235 C. Using the elimination method, we delete the 1st row and column of the global SLEs, and modify the right side term accordingly. We have,

24 9. Write the modified system of linear equations
Imposing the boundary condition, the system of linear equations is reduced to,

25 10. Solve the modified system of linear equations
Solving the modified system of linear equations yields the unknown global nodal temperatures, 11. Compute the heat loss from each element

26 12. Compute the total heat loss
The total heat loss from the fin is,

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