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Bin Le Bin Le is a PhD candidate in Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT) at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Charles W. Bostian. Since 2003, Bin joined.

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Presentation on theme: "Bin Le Bin Le is a PhD candidate in Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT) at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Charles W. Bostian. Since 2003, Bin joined."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bin Le Bin Le is a PhD candidate in Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT) at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Charles W. Bostian. Since 2003, Bin joined CWT and conducted the research of direct-conversion receiver (DCR) and started the research in cognitive radio in His research includes radio domain cognition, software defined radio and evolutionary computation. He has diverse publications mainly covering RF engineering, SDR design, signal processing and artificial intelligence. He is also the author of a book chapter of cognitive network support.

2 Recognition and Adaptation in PHY layer
ireless W @ irginia V ech T Recognition and Adaptation in PHY layer Bin Le This slide template is for the title slide of a presentation. Consider repeating a key image from one of the slides later in the presentation. The image helps orient the audience to the key words in the title. This image also gives you the opportunity to say a few things about your work—perhaps addressing the work’s importance or providing key background information. Forcing yourself to spend more time with this slide is good because a common mistake in presentations is not to leave the title slide on long enough. Because of this mistake, many in the audience do not have the chance to comprehend the key details of the title. See pages 66, 69-71, and 177 of The Craft of Scientific Presentations (CSP). This template shows one layout for the slide. You might want to rearrange the placement of the body’s wording to accommodate a different sized image. Center for Wireless Telecommunications 466 Whittemore Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 Virginia Tech 04/10/2006

3 Presentation Outline Radio domain cognition Key issues in PHY layer
Cognition cycle Recognition and adaptation Key issues in PHY layer Spectrum utilization Waveform agility Hardware support

4 System Model of Cognitive Radio
Meters Sensing technology language for environment awareness Monitor through performance API Knobs Encoding of radio operation space Adaptation through hardware AI Hardware Independent Cognitive Engine Machine Reasoning Radio Parameters “Knobs and Meters” Sense/Reconfigure Radio TX Radio RX Adaptation Detect/Sense Physical Media Air interface Functional diagram Behavioral diagram

5 Cognition Cycle with Two Loops
Environment Observation Scenario Synthesizing Case identified Link condition User/policy Radio hardware Knowledge Base Case report Reasoning Case-based Decision Making Apply experience Success memorized Bad trail overwritten Strategy instruction Radio Performance Estimation Link Configure Optimization WSGA Initialization Objectives Constraints

6 Radio Recognition and Adaptation
Wireless environment Performance API Transparent Radio-domain Adaptation Decision-making Learning Core General AI Radio-domain specific Radio-domain Recognition Radio platform Transparent Radio API

7 PHY Layer in the CR system
Recognition PHY layer Adaptation

8 Key Issues at PHY Layer Cognitive spectrum utilization
Sensing reliability (hidden node problem, passive nodes ) Spectrum sharing and performance Waveform agility Waveform recognition Software approach for flexible waveform implementation Self-optimization of software defined functional architecture Radio resource management Hardware performance limitation and trend (ADC, DSP power, etc)

9 Spectrum Utilization Example of TV bands: Just need better ways of using spectrum Global spectrum coordination Better licensing procedure Better regulations Improve efficiency of fixed multiplexing Allow flexible sharing schemes Better interaction b/t policy and technology Cognitive spectrum utilization Smart and flexible transceiver: both hardware and algorithm Multi-dimensional radio environment knowledge base to enable and support “cognitive” spectral behavior Proliferate application and services diversity for “prosperous” bandwidth needs

10 Spectrum Awareness and Sharing
The idea of cognitive spectrum utilization couples sensing and adaptation together Adaptation relies on sensing fidelity Sensing designed by adaptation needs Joint design for optimal resource cost Dynamic spectrum management Open and dynamic coordination Overlay/underlay to improve spectrum efficiency Cognitive spectrum utilization

11 Dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA)
OFDM PHY layer using a/g specs Ad-hoc node configuration CSMA/CA vs. DSA using cognitive algorithms Simplified power control for minimal SNIR

12 Spectrum Underlay DSSS-UWB for spectrum underlay
PN-sequence for multi-user scheme UWB spectrum is close or below the noise floor of pre-existing narrowband system External coordination between two service layers is not as critical as in overlay system (using dynamic spectrum allocation scheme) Spectrum is notched to protect narrow-band channels without much pulse-distortion due to its wide bandwidth

13 UWB-Broadcast Underlay with Notching
BC NW setup Spectrum probe Notch and calculate Gp Compute overall introduced UWB power in the spectrum - Probed at one BC Rx node Calculate SNIR for each network nodes Keep inserting UWB nodes to some cluster size

14 UWB-Broadcast Underlay: Outage vs. Notching
UWB-BC hybrid network in the underlay zone UWB txPSD_dB = -130dBW/Hz, notchBW = 20MHz, UWB cluster size = 100, broadcast #channels = 10, notch Loss=30dB 50 iterations Spectrum at one BC Rx node after UWB underlay NW is established Both system Pout is reduced when #notches/#channels increases from 0/10 to 10/10

15 Cognitive Spectrum Utilization: MOGA
Simulation Test Conditions Functions Weights Minimize spectral occupancy Maximize throughput Interference avoidance BER BW Spectral Efficiency Power Data Rate Interference Chromosome field: Power frequency Pulse Shape Symbol Rate Modulation

16 General Waveform Agility Requirements
Standard-independent waveform parameters Waveform feature projection and recognition Adaptive feature extraction Signal characteristics and channel condition Hybrid classification approach Temporal, spectral, and vector space Open, self-reconfigurable waveform knowledge base

17 Waveform Modulation Features
Temporal statistical features Statistical moments with different orders Simple and fast Spectral statistical features Power spectral density (PSD) and cyclostationarity features Huge computation Vector-space features Constellation and motion statistics No additional cost

18 Signal Classification Testbed
SNR=10dB SNR=50dB OCON Initialization OCON Training Training Algorithm Configure OCON_mod1 Generate modulation waveform Waveform Feature Extraction Feature Set MAXNET OCON_modN Waveform Load configure Feature Configure Waveform Feature Database Management FeatureSet Output configure OCON Configuration Database Management Feature Space Configure

19 Flexible Waveform Implementation
Based on SDR platform Flexibility for cross-layer optimization NSF NetS project Interoperability NIJ PSCR project CWT recent NIJ-Anritsu waveform testbed CWT Gnu-radio testbed

20 Gnu Radio Based SDR Testbed
Neural Network Classifier Digital receiver Power spectral density Channel BW estimate IF carrier estimate Symbol rate estimation Cyclostationarity Symbol detection Digital IF Signal Input Cyclic features Artificial Neural Network Modulation Classifier USB 2.0 Temporal statistics Digital modulation features Vector Analysis Analog modulation Symbol constellation Analog demodulator Modulation classifier Symbol Rate Modulation Classifier clock Cognitive Radio Receiver Signal Input Multi-rate Decimator Blind Equalization Baseband Channel Filter Symbol Detection demod Analog LPF ADC Gnu-USRP SDR platform Frequency Error Quadrature Frequency Synthesizer Carrier Recovery Symbol Timing Phase estimation Vector Analysis IF carrier Frequency Direct Digital Synthesizer DAC

21 PHY-Related Hardware Issues
RF limitation – JTRS challenge frequency and dynamic range Flexibility in frequency and bandwidth Analog-to-digital interface – the neck of SDR ADC largely sets the digital block boundary Trend in speed, resolution and power Software processing capability (speed and flexibility: logic vs. ALU) Power handling and power efficiency Substrate limitation: Si vs. GaAs PA power efficiency improvement Design trade space and trend projection are most wanted!

22 fs vs. ENOB Performance limitation depends on sampling frequency.
The contribution of each noise source is different at different sampling rates. A slope close to 1bit/2.3dBsps is shown for sigma-delta ADCs due to noise shaping techniques; in contrast, a slope much closer to thermal-noise boundary (1bit/6dBsps) is shown for SAR ADC group where no noise shaping loop is used.

23 Power Grouped by Structure
Proof over 20 years of power consumption dependency on the ADC structure!

24 P curve fitting

25 Acknowledgement This work is supported by Award No IJ-CX-K017 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

26 Thank You! ireless W @ irginia V ech T

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