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Tuning in Russia Tuning of Russia Dr. Olga Oleynikova National Tempus office in Russia Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuning in Russia Tuning of Russia Dr. Olga Oleynikova National Tempus office in Russia Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuning in Russia Tuning of Russia Dr. Olga Oleynikova National Tempus office in Russia Director

2 Tuning in Russia Great interest to the Tuning recommendations : –Bologna Process - comparability and compatibility of degrees –Overall goal of enhancing competitiveness and prestige of Russian higher education

3 Tuning of Russia Internal Pre-requisites: –modernisation of higher education –introduction of new higher education standards (outcome based) –gradual transition to learning outcomes

4 Tuning of Russia Tempus projects – attempt to create curricula using Tuning approaches. –Little impact system-wise due to: size of the system and the country overall conservatism of teachers and professors lack of approapriate regulatory tools

5 Tuning of Russia. Achievements to date General: –Strong focus on the national policy level on joint curricula and double/multiple degrees –Growing links and cooperation among universities (Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and Framework Programmes)

6 Tuning of Russia. Achievements to date Concrete: –Support of the Tuning Russia Tempus project –consolidation of university expertise –catalyst for disseminating and introducing Tuning methodology across the system by: training experts developing tools and recommendations involvement of: academics, employers, students and graduates

7 Tuning of Russia. Achievements to date Establishment of the Bologna Club at Don Technical University (South of Russia) – to disseminate Bologna tools and enhance the integration processes, including comparability of degrees and diplomas

8 Tuning of Russia. Achievements to date Initiation of the Tuning Association in Russia as an NGO –to complement the Tempus project –to ensure its sustainability –to extend the scope –to open its benefits to other universities

9 Tuning of Russia. Summary of Achievements Synergy of the factors of influence and relevant players (Ministry, universities, academic networks, NGOs). Key assumption: –Active involvement of NGOs will ensure sustainability and success of rooting Tuning deeply into the Russian system of higher education

10 Tuning of Russia. Hope to the future Involvement in the international Tuning community –to benefit from mutual learning and sharing to improve: Globally: Relevance of Russian higher education for the labour market and citizens International competitiveness of Russian higher education

11 Tuning of Russia. Hope to the future To enhance specifically: –Quality assurance –Student – centered teaching and learning – Student involvement –Academic mobility Ultimately to arrive at: –Joint programmes –Recognition of degrees due to common learning outcomes and learning assessment procedures

12 Thank you for your attention! 27/6, Goncharnaya str. Office 104 115172 Moscow, Russia phone: +7 495 972 35 90 Phone/fax: +7 495 915 72 54 E-mail:

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