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Chapter 1 Section 1.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 1

2 Early People How do you think people arrived in North America?
Some historians believe that they came over from Russia over a land bridge and by 1500A.D 2000 different groups and millions of Indians lived here. Archaeologists are still not 100% sure though.

3 Following Food First Americans fast food eaters?
The crossing over the land bridge, Beringia, was the migration of people. Traveled thousands of miles!

4 More Food! Native Americans tell tales of very large beasts they used to hunt. Saber-tooth tigers, mastodons, and mammoths were all animals living at the time. Sharpened rocks and speared these animals. Scientists believe that Indians killed the mammoths.

5 Settling Down! After the big animals became fewer what do you think Native Americans began to do for food? They began to farm. Seeds and gathering. Scientists attempt to date people and things with carbon dating to get more precise measures of how long ago people did these things. Farming led to civilizations and cultures, a new way of life.

6 Section 2: Cities & Empires
Bingham discovers Machu Picchu (Incan city). Some great civilization grew in Central America. Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca. How would you describe a civilization in your own words?

7 The Maya The Maya lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize.
Had slaves. Tikal and other ancient cities. Very religious, had theocracy. Astronomers Predicted eclipses. Writing system

8 More Maya How did the Maya transport that products?
Human backs, they had no wheels. They also used boats. Carried jade statues, turquoise, jewelry, cacao beans. By 900A.D. the Maya began to decline and by 1100 few were left, but still around today.

9 The Aztec Used to be hunters but settled down on Lake Texcoco, and set up Tenochtitlan. Construction of city still boggles scientists minds. Terrorized neighbors. Organized around military and religion. Human sacrifices.


11 European Perspective Cortez commented how there were at least 40 towers which couldn’t be bettered anywhere. Castillo commented on how the towers came up from the waters. Someone even said it was grander than Rome.


13 Inca What was the Incan capital? Cuzco.
There famous emperor was Pachacuti. Stretches 3000 miles. Used constriction from year old males for up to 5 years. Used clubs, spears, spiked copper balls on a rope, and slings to throw stones.

14 Life With The Incans How big was the Incan population?
About 9 million. 10000 miles of paved roads. Had official language, Quechua. Kept records by using quipus. Terraced Believed to be descendents of sun god.

15 Machu Picchu Discovered in 1911 by Bingham. 5 square miles
Up in a mountain Scientists again have no idea how they built this. Erosion of soil doesn’t occur here, because of design.


17 Section 3:North American People
Name one of the North American Native tribes. Hohokam flourished from in Arizona. Irrigation and trade is how they kept their economy afloat. Pottery and shells found here.

18 Anasazi Lived same time as Hohokam, but further north.
Built huge stone dwellings called pueblos. One has 800 rooms and 32 kivas, ceremonial chambers underground. Had roads. Built cliff dwellings Began living in smaller villages after droughts.

19 Mound Builders Built mounds that looked like pyramids, for burials and ceremonies. Mississippi to Great Lakes region. Adena and Hopewell, are two that flourished in this region. Some mounds look like serpents Trade occurred too.

20 Cahokia Largest settlement of mound builders in Illinois, built by Mississippians. 16000 people. 100 foot mound, Monk Mound. Resembled big cities of Inca, Aztec, and Maya. A legend directly connects them.

21 More North America Inuits lived in the lands in the cold north Artic.
Similar to Indians in Siberia. Igloos Eat whales, seals, walruses, and caribou.

22 West and Southwest and Plains
Roles for men and women Built buildings out of dried mud bricks. Teepees Horses Used arrows, spears, clubs, and knives. Apache and Navajo grew maize and raised sheep.

23 East and Southeast The Iroquois and Cherokee formed laws and federations. Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and Cayuga made this up and warred constantly. Women had important powers in the community, women even voted for 50 men to be in federation. Europeans changed their life forever.

24 Could YOU Pass the Test? Why do scientists think people came to America? What was the first crop domesticated? What building was common in the Southwest? Who had the largest empire? Who had a writing system? What were some roles of women in these cultures?

25 Could YOU Pass the Test? Study Vocab! Where did horses come from?
What are two marvels of architecture that scientists explain? What kind of government did the Maya have? What kind of people were the Aztec? What were some structures made by people in the North?

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