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The Fight for Grace Acts 15 Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE

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1 The Fight for Grace Acts 15 Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE
Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular

2 Acts 15 Grace divides (1-5). Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

3 Romans 11:6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

4 Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

5 Acts 15 Grace divides (1-5). Grace is worth a fight (2, 7-12).
Grace is our only hope (10-11, 13-18). Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

6 Romans 8:2-4 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

7 Romans 8:2-4 He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

8 Acts 15 Grace divides (1-5). Grace is worth a fight (2, 7-12).
Grace is our only hope (10-11, 13-18). Grace seeks unity (19-35). Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

9 Acts 15 Do you believe in God’s grace? Do you proclaim God’s grace?
Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

10 The Fight for Grace Acts 15 Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE
Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular


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