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Our Rotary Foundation How to use it to fund projects

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1 Our Rotary Foundation How to use it to fund projects
Paul Beedham District Rotary Foundation Chairman

2 Setting the scene

3 How did it all start? 1917 Rotary International President Arch Klumph proposes an endowment for doing good 1928 Formally named The Rotary Foundation 1947 Paul Harris dies and Rotary sends out a telegram passing on his desire for donations to the Foundation in lieu of flowers…

4 The Mission Original objective Mission statement
“Doing Good in the World” Mission statement “To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty”

5 How it works

6 A tale of three funds Donations Annual Fund Permanent Fund Polio Fund

7 Three year investment 2014-15 2018-19 Annual Fund Project Funding
Permanent Fund Spendable Earnings 7

8 Global / Local Projects
World Fund 50% of Every District’s Annual Fund District Designated Fund Per District (x 500+) 8

9 Balanced Global Funding
Average Donations per Rotarian Globally = $113 District 1060 = $52 We contributed less than half the average, but still have access to the same World Fund

10 District Designated Fund
50% of contributions 3 years prior £24,982.64 Rollover and Transfers DDF Up to 50% £4,996.53 Global Grants PolioPlus Donations District Grants Unused DDF rolls over to next year £12,491.32 Transfer to another district Rotary Peace Centres Donations £22,484.39 to Polio For District New DDF for = $35, (£24,987.64) District Grant Max = $18, (£13,985.95) Polio (20%) = $7, (rounded to $7,500) (becomes $11,250 after World Fund match of 50% and $33,750 after Gates Foundation match of 200%) or £26,162.79 Rolling total = $105, (£81,931.16) 10

11 Special Offer!! $20,000 DDF boost for our next two District Grants
New DDF $38,900 $29,426 District Grants $19,450 + $10,000 = $29,450 (£22,654) $14,713 + $10,000 = $24,713 (£19,010) We can apply for the District Grant as soon as the Grant is closed off

12 Grants – Funding Projects

13 Which comes first? Funding or Project

14 Grant funding Many grant giving organisations are available
All have specific funding criteria Design the project to meet the criteria Foundation Global Grant projects for ‘Simple Schools’ or ‘Low Cost Shelters’ have very specific requirements A finalised project will be harder to fund via grants

15 Rotary Foundation Criteria
Meet the Foundation mission statement “To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty” More specifically, there are Grant Terms & Conditions that are well documented, but are updated from time to time

16 District Grant Criteria
Small projects Maximum £1,000 funding per Club in one year Club has to put in >=50% of project cost Has to have Rotarian involvement and / or a publicity opportunity Easiest option is to ‘buy something’ to present A unit cost allows the request to be ‘scaled’ Invoices with application Receipts with report

17 Global Grant Criteria Large projects Needs to meet a community need
Minimum $30,000 project budget Needs to meet a community need Formal assessment now required Need to partner with Club(s) in another country >30% of the funding from outside the ‘project country’ Needs to meet one or more Areas of Focus

18 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

19 Global Grant Matching >= $30,000 Host Contribution International
World Fund Matching Club(s) Club(s) Club(s) x 50% >= $30,000 District (DDF) District (DDF) District(s) x 100%

20 Matching Example 1 >= $30,100 = $14,000 Host Contribution
International Contribution World Fund Matching Club(s) x 50% = $700 Club $700 Club $700 >= $30,100 District(s) x 100% = $14,000 District $7,000 District $7,000

21 Matching Example 2 >= $30,000 = $15,000 Host Contribution
International Contribution World Fund Matching Club(s) x 50% Club Club >= $30,000 District(s) x 100% = $15,000 District District $15,000

22 Guatemala Literacy Project
138 Clubs 24 Districts 1 Country Govt World Fund $694,092 138 Clubs Canada Rotary’s own Crowd Funding!

23 Qualification

24 The purpose of Qualification
Qualification provides Clubs with financial and stewardship controls for meeting Foundation requirements and managing grant-funded activities. Clubs need to qualify before applying for Global and District grants.

25 Qualification Requirements
Attend a grant management seminar Read, sign, and submit club “Memo Of Understanding” (MOU) to the District team President and President Elect for to sign (other Officers are available) By signing the MOU, the Club agrees to comply with the requirements around stewardship and reporting

26 District Grant Specifics

27 Process Club qualifies Club submits proposal
District Foundation Committee Reviews Accepted proposals requested to submit full ’Block Grant’ application Funds allocated when full application accepted Club carries out project & submits report to close off grant Subsequent requests will skip the proposal step 28

28 Recommendation If you have a suitable project idea for a District Grant project Ideally with no time constraints Submit it now for consideration when funds become available

29 Further information ‘Foundation Day’ at the Crowne Plaza, Stratford next Friday (23rd November) District Foundation Seminar – February Updates via Newsletters and on Please consider donating to Foundation to make funding available for future projects…

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