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Implementation of Language proficiency requirement Morocco

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1 Implementation of Language proficiency requirement Morocco

2 plan National Regulatory Framework
Estimate of the national level of LPR implementation for pilots and controllers National LPR implementation plan Maintaining English level Interim Measures

3 National Regulatory Framework
CAA incorporate ICAO langage proficiency requirement in national law(in course of publication), this legislation includes a minimum level LP for ab initio

4 Estimate of the national level of LPR implementation for pilots and controllers
Global National Test (TNP) : pre- evaluation test to determine the English global level of ATC personel. Result : level 4 : 67% Level 5: 3%

5 National LPR implementation plan
Stape :N°1 All of ATC personnel and particulary ATC who have level 3 are following an english training courses to improve their english level. Stape:N° 2 Our ANSP “ONDA” has an internal process to nominate a team of 9 ATCo to follow a training for trainers courses on the May Flower Institute”.

6 Stape:N° 3 The language proficiency training will be assured by the mentioned Instructor on 5 regional instruction centres “CRI” and also in basic training ATC school, Stape:N° 4 The CRI will be equipped by didactic material, langage laboratories, software... etc The DGAC is on the way of CRI accreditation specially for Language proficiency. (process in course)

7 Maintaining English level
Stape:N° 5 process to maintain the english proficiency rating by DGAC is in progress “100 Hour of language training each 6 months” to maintain English level 4?

8 LPRI Process Mars 2011 Process of Maintaining English level June 2010
Test ELP Apr AIMAC / CIRs equipment Apr 2010 DGAC acreditation for training program and trainer certification Febr 2010 Trainig for trainers ‘ program TNP and up date global level ELP Juin 2008 incorporate ICAO langage proficiency in national law May 2008

9 Interim Measures Measures for risk mitigation :
At least one member of the cockpit crew and of the ATCO team should have level 4 or more. Our ANSP “ONDA” has to assure the English training courses to ATCo having level 3 or bellow. A new version of Phraseologies Manual has to be approved and dispached to ATCo .

10 thanks

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