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Causes of WWII.

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1 Causes of WWII

2 Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles: Forced Germany to:
Pay compensation of $35 billion Canadian to the victors of the war Limit their army to 100, 000 troops Demilitarize (no army allowed in) the Rhineland which bordered on France Permit the creation of new borders, creating a much smaller Germany Take the entire blame for the ‘Great War’ Result: Germans felt abandoned and betrayed. There was a hole in their nationalism and Hitler filled it.

3 Policy of Appeasement “Give to Hitler what he wants and perhaps he won’t take any more”. First, the League of Nations did essentially nothing when Italy and Japan made their attacks on rival nations. Let Germany take over Austria without any resistance. Munich Pact: Germany wanted the Sudetenland because it was so rich in natural resources and there were many German people in that area. The British and French agreed to let Germany have it as long as they promised not to take the rest of Czechoslovakia.

4 The League of Nations The United States did not become a member.
When Japan attacked China the League ‘gave a stern talking’ to Japan and that was it. When Italy attacked Abyssinia the League refused to sell Italy some minor goods but this did not really have an impact. Countries like Britain and France supported and encouraged a policy of appeasement. The League did nothing to enforce its own rules. The nations were afraid of going back to war.

5 The Rise of Nazism 1933 – Nazis become largest party in German parliament Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany – given dictator’s power Strong belief in racial nationalism and superiority… fed the need to feel pride in country. Any non-Aryan (White skin, blue eyes, blonde hair) was considered lower class… not really/truly people Jewish people were blamed for the loss of WWI. Broke the Treaty of Versailles: Remilitarized the Rhineland Took Austria without firing a shot Germany given the Sudetenland in Munich Pact

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