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You are the Teacher Lesson format.

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Presentation on theme: "You are the Teacher Lesson format."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are the Teacher Lesson format

2 Activator Slide Please get seated and prepare for today’s presentations. Take a Project Presentation Audience Feedback form and fill out the top part on BOTH sides. (Slide 1) Student Team: Project Name: Date:

3 Activator Slide 2 Side 2 Student Team: Topic: Date:

4 Mini Lesson Introduce the lesson-Use a hook
Teach important concepts to the class Introduce the activity for today Pass out handouts

5 Work Session Activity the class will complete as a result of your lesson. Introduce the activity Go over the activity-provide examples Let the class complete the activity

6 Closing Close the lesson-review the concepts taught-last 5 minutes of class Do an activity with the class to wrap up your lesson Example: Beach ball review

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