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Design of an LC-VCO with One Octave Tuning Range

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1 Design of an LC-VCO with One Octave Tuning Range
Andreas Kämpe and Håkan Olsson Radio Electronics-LECS/IMIT Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

2 Introduction VCO research has largely focused on reducing phase noise, not tuning range. Multi standard transceivers requires wideband VCOs with low phase noise Goal: Designing a VCO with one octave tuning range while maintaining a low phase noise and low power consumption.

3 VCO topologies LC tank Delay element + Low phase-noise.
+ Low power consumption Large chip area Tuning range (limited by CMAX/CMIN). Delay element Ring, transmission line, and relaxation oscillators + Small chip area - High phase noise and realativly high power consumption.

4 VCO Architecture Complementary structure (N & P) MOS =>
larger amplitude and symetric rise/fall time => Reduced power / phase noise

5 LC-tank and wide tuning range
One octave tuning range => Requires a Capacitance tuning of 2 octaves. Tuning capacitor Cmax / Cmin > (paracitcs: CP) Low voltage and large Cmax/Cmin => High varactor sensitivity (VCO gain) => sensitive to noise on the control line.

6 Discrete tuning Bandswitching
CMOS technology offers excellent switches. Bandswitching The switched capacitors are used as band selectors (coarse tuning) Channel selection is performed digitally. + Increased tuning range + Reduces the varactor gain => phase noise reduction.

7 Switch limitations (MOSFET)
Low capacitive load  Large tuning range Minimum loss  Low power consumption

8 Loss or capacitive load.
Trade-off Loss or capacitive load. Minimum loss = reduce Rds-on = wide transistor with minimum gate length. Minimum capacitive load = reduce Cgs /Cgd = narrow transistor with minimum gate length.

9 NMOS transistors (higher transconductance).
Switch Optimisation NMOS transistors (higher transconductance). Drain / source are AC coupled (band sw cap) and biased via resistors => maximizes (Vgs-Vt) => Reduced Rds-on

10 Switch On Switch on: Vgs = 1.8 V => Minimum RDS

11 Switch Off Switch off: Vgs = -1.8 V => 20% reduction in capacitance compared to having Drain and Source biased at 0 V.

12 3bits binary weighted Capacitor array.

13 Varactor Less steep voltage to capacitance transfer.
Accumulation-mode mos varactors => Less steep voltage to capacitance transfer. 4 varactors are conected anti parallell => Differential operation and control => Common mode rejection

14 Inductor + Differential inductor (increased coupling).
+ 3 metal layers (M6, M5, M4) are stacked on top of each other => reduces the series resistance. => increased Q - Increased capacitive load (Lower metal layers are closer to the substrate).

15 Inductor simulations Optimized and designed with ASITIC and ADS.

16 Inductor model Lumped model of a transmission line.

17 Inductor-model simulations
Lumped model error ”Real(S)”.

18 Inductor-model simulations
Lumped model error ”Imag(S)”.

19 Amplitude Variations Requires an adjustable negative resistance =>
The oscillation amplitude varies considerably across the wide tuning range Requires an adjustable negative resistance => Achieved by controlling the biasing current.

20 VCO The band selection also controlles the biasing current. => Constant oscillation amplitude over the entire tuning range.

21 Tuning range Large tunability 1.2 GHz – 2.6 GHz.

22 VCO’s VCO Tech [um] Tuning range [%] FOM [dBc/Hz] “A 5.9 GHz Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator in 0.18 μm CMOS”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 39, pp , Jan 2004. 0.25 18 -183 “A 1.8 GHz higly-tunable low phase-noise CMOS VCO”. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, CICC. Proceedings of the IEEE 2000, pp May 2000. 28 ”New wideband/dualband CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillator”. Circuits, Devices and Systems, VOl 150. Proceedings of the IEEE 2003, pp Oct 2003. 98 -158.3* “A 15-mW Fully Integrated I/Q Synthesizer for Bluetooth in 0.18 μm CMOS”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 38, pp , July 2003. 0.18 16 -174.5* “Design of Wide-Band CMOS VCO for Multiband Wireless LAN Applications”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 38, pp , August 2003. 0.13 SOI 58.7 -186.6 This 74 -190 * Quadrature VCO

23 Conclusions It is possible for a VCO to have a large tuning range combined with a low phase noise and low power consumption. This design has a very good performance expressed in FOM (-190 dBc/Hz/mW) and superior if the wide tuning range is taken in account. Large chip Area, due to many capacitors and a large inductor. If the oscillator was designed to be operated at a higer frequency, the Chip area could be decreced (smaller LC tank) The down side is an increaced loss in the switches (capacitor array).

24 Complementary or NMOS-only 1
ID(n + p) = ID(n-only) Equal gm: gm(n + p) = gm(n-only)

25 Complementary or NMOS-only 2
Symetric rise/fall time:

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