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ALDS Workshop Spend 10 minutes on this intro, no more. Make sure they know what the course is (all of it not just ALDS), what ALDS does and tell them.

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Presentation on theme: "ALDS Workshop Spend 10 minutes on this intro, no more. Make sure they know what the course is (all of it not just ALDS), what ALDS does and tell them."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALDS Workshop Spend 10 minutes on this intro, no more. Make sure they know what the course is (all of it not just ALDS), what ALDS does and tell them what to expect from the workshop.

2 What can you expect from today?
You will be able to use ALDS in your next lesson Specifically Teach a lesson using Active Teach Set an assignment in Active Learn Say it’ll be a mix of demonstration by you and practice by them. There’s “core content” you need to cover, but there’ll be the opportunity for them to experiment with the service on their own. You also have a range of tasks they can attempt to familiarise themselves with the service – they can even prepare their next lesson(s) if they want. And of course there will be lots of opportunity to ask questions and get personal help with the functionality from you.

3 Agenda What is ActiveLearn Digital Service (ALDS)? Subject Overview
Teaching Resources (Active Teach) Demonstration Individual practice Homework Service (Active Learn) Progression Service Other components and optional further practice tasks I have left this generic – tell them which service/course you will be starting with and how you intend to approach the session. In particular, are you going to do Active Teach for both courses followed by Active Learn for both, or are you going to do the whole of one course (e.g. KS3 Maths Progress), including both AT and AL, before moving on to the other? You could even ask them which approach they would prefer, if you are confident enough to be flexible with the script.

4 Homework, practice and support
Teaching resources Homework, practice and support Progression Service Accessible by teachers only For planning and delivery of lessons Accessible by both teachers and students For setting and completion of homework or further practice work Reports on student attainment and progress Subject specific maps of content Full suite of assessments Reporting and analysis tools Active Teach = Front-of-class teaching resources Active Learn = Homework, practice and support for individual student use PPS - an assessment, recording and reporting service consisting of the scale and map, an indicative grade tables for converting to GCSE grades, a comprehensive suite of assessment materials, markbooks for recording assessments and analysis tools through the ActiveLearn system (PPS link to ALDS only available for Maths at the moment).

5 The three ‘Actives’ Active Teach Active Learn Active Book
Just check they know the difference between Active Teach and Active Book. Active Teach = book on screen BUT only for teachers. It has all the extra functionality (extra resources) for front-of-class teaching Active Book = digital version of the Student Book for individual student use, with no added functionality/extra resources An additional subscription is required for the Active Books – it is NOT included in the ALDS subscription

6 What are the benefits of using ALDS?
Active Teach Helps make your front of class teaching even more dynamic and engaging Provides you with a wealth of ready-made resources Allows you to integrate your own and other resources Active Learn Enables you to set meaningful homework linked to the teaching resources Provides students with support and feedback in their independent work Records students’ marks and tracks their progress They should be pretty obvious. AT - to make front of class teaching (easier for teachers and) more dynamic and engaging for students. Provides you with a wealth of ready-made resources. The ability to integrate your resources into your teaching and customise AT to your specifications AL – to set students meaningful homework linked to the teaching resources. Offers support for students in the form of Learning Aids. Records their marks and tracks their progress for you.

7 Subjects Click on the subject to proceed
English Maths Science Languages Clicking on the subject link takes you directly to the relevant slides.

8 Key Stage 3 Maths Progress Components
9 Student Books in total 3 per tier (Pi, Theta, Delta) 3 per year (7, 8, 9) Progression Workbooks ActiveLearn Digital Service Brief overview of the components so they have the basics. Some teachers might not be familiar with the detail, for example if it’s been bought by the Head of Department and they’ve been told to come and listen to this. It’s quite a complicated structure so be clear. “Three per year” is for guidance.

9 Jump to Pearson Progression Service
Pedagogy Course organisation Mastery approach to tackle increase in demand Builds fluency and nurtures confidence Focus on problem-solving and reasoning Differentiated resources Key Stage 3 Course split into three tiers Pi: lower-ability students Theta: middle ability students Delta: higher-ability students Brief explanation of the pedagogy and differentiation, especially Pi/Theta/Delta Jump to Pearson Progression Service

10 Edexcel GCSE Maths Components
For Higher tier For Foundation tier Student Book Practice, Reasoning and Problem-solving Books Revision Guide Revision Workbook ActiveLearn Digital service Student Book Practice, Reasoning and Problem-solving Books Revision Guide Revision Workbook ActiveLearn Digital service Access to Foundation workbooks There are separate Higher and Foundation Books, etc. and the ALDS covers both tiers in one subscription. Point out the Access to Foundation workbooks (there’s one on Number and one on Statistics and Geometry).

11 Jump to Pearson Progression Service
Pedagogy Course organisation Mastery approach to tackle increase in demand Builds fluency and nurtures confidence (as KS3) Focus on problem-solving and reasoning (as KS3) Support for low attainers Differentiated resources Edexcel GCSE Higher and Foundation tiers Point out the continuity in approach from Key Stage 3. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

12 Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics
Course organisation There are 14 books in total, 4 for Maths and 10 for Further Maths. If they take Further Maths they need the two Core Pure Mathematics books (compulsory) and two more, either two in the same column (e.g. FS1 and FS2) or 2 from the top row (e.g. FS1 and FM1). FS = Further Statistics FM = Further Mechanics D = Decision FP = Further Pure

13 Jump to Pearson Progression Service
The Components For Further Maths For Maths 4 textbooks Revision Guide Revision Workbook Revise Practice Papers Plus ActiveLearn Digital Service 10 textbooks Revision TBC ActiveLearn Digital Service Jump to Pearson Progression Service

14 Exploring Science - Components
Student books for Years 7, 8 and 9 This is FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY at this stage. I’d advise you not to mention it here, but to keep it up your sleeve in case you are asked or it becomes relevant during the workshop. If they subscribe to ALDS they get the following, in addition to Active Teach and Active Learn: Activity Pack Assessment Support Pack Teacher and Technician Planning Pack Planner ActiveLearn Digital Service Jump to Pearson Progression Service

15 Edexcel GCSE Science Components
Combined Sciences Student Book Single Sciences Student Books (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 1 activity and assessment pack 1 teacher and technician pack Active Learn Digital Service Brief overview of the components so they have the basics. Some teachers might not be familiar with the detail, for example if it’s been bought by the Head of Department and they’ve been told to come and listen to this. N.B. Combined Sciences ALDS is out now. This is what you’ll be showing. Biology, Chemistry and Physics will follow. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

16 Skills for Writing Components
Active Learn Digital Service 3 Student Books  Teacher Guide Cybergrammar Brief overview of the components so they have the basics. Some teachers might not have a clue what SfW is, for example if it’s been bought by the Head of Department and they’ve been told to come and listen to this. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

17 Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language
Active Learn Digital Service English Language Text Anthology Revision Guide Revision Workbook The anthology is one student book packed with texts providing the context for the resources on the ALDS. The Revision Guide and Workbook don’t link specifically to the anthology but cover the whole of the new English GCSE specification. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

18 Studio, Stimmt, Viva Components
Student books for Years 7, 8 and 9 Workbooks for extra reading and writing practice  ActiveLearn Digital Service There are subtle differences between the course structure for each language that you might want to point out. All three courses have one book (Studio 1, Stimmt 1, Viva 1) for Year 7 for the whole ability range For Studio differentiated books (rouge for higher ability, vert for lower ability) start from Year 8 (Studio 2) For Stimmt and Viva differentiated books don’t start until Year 9 (Stimmt 3 rot/grun and Viva 3 rojo/verde) Studio has as extra booklet for Y7 called Acces Studio which contains all the French “basics” like numbers, days of the week, etc. This is sometimes used in Primary Schools or dipped into in Year 7 or used in Year 7 before embarking on Studio 1. Schools choose the most suitable approach for them. Each Student Book has its own reading and writing workbook following the differentiation pattern for each course. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

19 Studio, Stimmt, Viva for GCSE - Components
Higher and Foundation Student Books Grammar and Translation Workbook Vocabulary Book Revision Guides and Workbooks ActiveLearn Digital Service Brief overview of the components so they have the basics. Some teachers might not be familiar with the detail, for example if it’s been bought by the Head of Department and they’ve been told to come and listen to this. The Student Books, Grammar and Translation Workbook, Vocabulary Book and Revision Guides and Workbooks are all print products, not available digitally. Jump to Pearson Progression Service

20 As an ALDS customer you also get free access to the Pearson Progression Service in the subjects for which you have an ActiveLearn subscription.

21 The Progression Service, or PPS, is Pearson’s response to the changing educational landscape of the past few years. We have seen numerous changes including; assessment without levels, GCSE grading 9-1, new GCSE specifications, Progress8 and Attainment8. The progression service is designed to support teachers as they respond to these changes and ensure that teachers have all the necessary information at their fingertips to plan, deliver, and assess student work in the most efficient way. To that end the Progression Service is an assessment, recording and reporting service consisting of the scale and map, an indicative grade tables for converting to GCSE grades, a comprehensive suite of assessment materials, markbooks for recording assessments and analysis tools through the ActiveLearn system.

22 Pearson Progression Scale
The progression scale is a 12 point scale against which all Pearson resources and content are measured with ‘1’ being at the lowest ability level and ‘12’ being the highest. It is expected that the average student will arrive at the start of year 7 at a Progression Step of 4 and make 1 step of progress each year so they leave at the end of year 11 on the 9th step. You are not restricted by this however and can use the service on the basis that a student will make 1.2 steps of progress a year therefore leave on a step 10. Many people ask why it is a 1-12 scale and not 1-9 when GCSEs are measured as such. The simple answer to this is that the scale is for KS3 and 4 with the breadth of ability this requires. Also it gives independence between GCSE grades and steps. GCSE grades are mainly norm-referenced which means that what was graded a 'C' one year night not be the next. The Progression Scale steps, on the other hand, are all criterion-referenced which means that a step 5 will always be a step 5 regardless of the performance of the cohort. This gives you confidence that if your average step at the end of year 7 moved from 4 to 5 then you have made 1 step of progress. If the following year the average has moved from a 4 to a 5.1 you've made 1.1 step of progress and have therefore done better.

23 Pearson Progression Maps
The Progression Maps are editable documents that cover the whole of Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. They break down all the content and skills into progress descriptors and map them to the Progression Scale. Each area of the curriculum is broken down into strands and then further broken down again into topics. Topics are subsequently broken down into progress descriptors, which outline the learning expectation (e.g. skills and knowledge required). For some subjects the progress descriptors are linked to prerequisite knowledge required in order to master the skills, in others potential barriers to understanding that descriptor are given. Booster opportunities to extend and deepen learning and understanding are provided to support greater stretch and challenge. The Maps enable teachers to provide detailed feedback to students on their progress, as well as to identify potential next steps in learning.

24 Indicative Grades Pearson Progression Service Step
Pearson English, maths, geography and history indicative grade Pearson Science and MFL indicative grade 1st 1 U 2nd 3rd 2 4th 5th 3 6th 7th 4 8th 5 9th 6 10th 7 11th 8 12th 9 As a guide Pearson have produced Indicative Grade mappings for schools to use. Pearson are really excited about this work and its potential for helping teachers and students. It is, however, important to understand that this mapping is for guidance only to support teachers’ own predictions of progress and is not an accurate predictor of grades. Pearson will continually update the Progression Maps, Scale and indicative grade mapping to reflect changes over time.

25 There is a huge range of assessment material available through the Progression Service.
This is an example of a KS3 Maths progress half-term test.

26 Assessments and Reporting
In each subject Pearson have created a range of assessments aligned to the Progression Scale and tied to the Edexcel schemes of work, which can be used to assess students’ understanding, skills and knowledge. For each Key Stage there are baseline assessments and for each year there are end of topic/module or term and end of year assessments. Over time Pearson will be adding similar assessments, schemes of work and resources for other Awarding Bodies.

27 The PPS in conjunction with ActiveLearn provides a comprehensive data analysis tool.
To demonstrate the analysis tools I am going to use Maths.

28 Upgrades and trials Trials Upgrades
Try out another Active Learn Digital Service with a free 30-day trial on any KS3 or GCSE Maths, English, Science or MFL course. Upgrades Add another Active Learn Digital Service to your current subscription and save 15% off the total subscription cost of both packages The upgrade/bundle prices for a medium school are on the sheet handed out at the training day on September 8th. Trials are not currently available for A Level or iGCSE.

29 Workshop evaluation This and the next slide show the teachers where to go to complete the online evaluation.

30 Workshop evaluation

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