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Parallel Session: Pillar 1 Rebuilding Trust in People and Institutions

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1 Parallel Session: Pillar 1 Rebuilding Trust in People and Institutions
Strengthened Governance Strengthened Infrastructure for Peace, Reconciliation and Social Cohesion Enhance Trust in a People-driven Peace Process Partnership for Resilience and Recovery Co-led by the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility and the World Bank 14th November 2018

2 What’s the Relevance for Resilience?
Good programming requires not just that we “do no harm” but also try to build strengths Reducing marginalization (in governance, not just services) Avoiding elite capture Build the “right” type of accountability Focus on inter-group relationships: strengthen shared spaces

3 History: Looking back to look forward
“Rebuilding” – what do we mean? Long history of violence, marginalization, mistrust, with the state and between communities. But also histories of cooperation and coexistence. Very context-specific. But there is no blank slate! Recent history: massive displacement is still ongoing. Grievances still unaddressed.

4 Durable Peace vs. Short-term Stability
Resilience and Recovery requires “positive peace”: rule of law, Access to justice, accountability, representation Shared Spaces: must focus on inter-communal strengths and relationships Trade and livelihood corridors Ethnic relationships within and between administrative structures Finding and reinforcing common interests

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