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Mrs. Wilson’s 2nd Grade Sunnyside Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Wilson’s 2nd Grade Sunnyside Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Wilson’s 2nd Grade Sunnyside Elementary

2 Hi! I’m Mrs. Wilson!

3 Hi Sydney! Hi Trent! Hi Colby! Hi Ava! Hi Brody! Hi Nikolas! Hi Brooklyn D! Hi Hudson! Hi Brooklyn H! Hi Gianna! Hi Karima! Hi Jacob M! Hi Owen! Hi Jacob N! Hi Liliana! Hi Maja! Hi Takiyla! Hi Keeryn! Hi Aiden! Hi Isabella! Hi Neo! Hi Natalie!

4 Which one are YOU?

5 8:20-8: Morning Warm-up 8:35-8: Number Corner 8:55-9: Math 9:40-10: Math RTI 10:10-11:25 Reading 11:25-11:55 Lunch 11:55-12:25 Writing/Read Aloud 12:25-1: Special M-Art T-Tech W-Gym R-Library F-Music 1:10-1: Recess 1:40-2: Reading RTI 2:10-3: Snack then Science/Social Studies 3: Car rider Dismissal 3: Bus rider Dismissal

6 1). Listen when your teacher is talking.
2). Follow directions quickly. 3). Respect others, yourself, and your school. 4). Raise your hand to speak to the class. 5). Be safe. Be Kind. Be honest.

7 Arrival Empty your red folder of any homework or notes in the turn-in bin. Hang up your backpack and coat in your locker and take out what you need for the day. Grab your name tag and pick your seat for the day. Begin your morning warm-up. Dismissal Get your behavior calendar colored by Mrs. Wilson. Grab your mailbox things and put them in your red folder. Clean up your workspace. Read on the carpet while waiting for the dismissal bell. Say goodbye to Mrs. Wilson!

8 We will be learning through….
---Whole group introductions & instructions ---Small group meetings with Mrs. Wilson ---Center rotations during RTI ---Using technology like laptops and ipads ---Group, partner, and individualized activities ---Hands on learning ---STEM projects ---Research projects ….AND SO MUCH MORE!

9 2nd Grade Curriculum Reading– McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders
Focus on: reading skills, comprehension, vocabulary, phonics, spelling, grammar, and writing Math– Bridges in Mathematics (2nd edition) Focus on: fluency in addition and subtraction facts, add and subtract numbers up to 1,000, measure, geometry, problem solving Science– DOE curriculum and supplemental Units: insects, bridges, soils Social Studies– DOE curriculum and supplemental Units: civics/responsibility, economics, past/present

10 Assigned Friday and due the following Friday.
Aligns with what we are doing in class. Completed homework earns students tickets that can be spent on monthly events and/or special classroom privileges. Students who turn in ALL of the monthly homework join our HOMEWORK CLUB where they get a monthly brag tag, tickets, AND a trip to the treasure box!

11 From time to time, we may have a need for specific items for special projects in class. Watch our weekly newsletter or Bloomz app for ways you can help our classroom; especially around the holidays! Some things we are always on the lookout for include: -Construction paper -Extra pencils - Play Dough -Small prizes for our treasure box -Extra snacks for the class *We also have projects posted throughout the year! Go to: *

12 Q: So there aren’t assigned seats?
A: NOPE! I allow students to choose where they work each day; pending they maintain appropriate behavior. See the “Flexible Seating” letter in your beginning of the year paperwork for more information! Q: How can I help at home? A: Check your child’s folder daily so you know what we are working on and how your child is doing. Also, utilize the logins on your child’s red folder for extra practice at home! Keep tabs on your child and their homework—where do you see struggles? Contact me ASAP with any concerns you may have!

13 Before you leave… ---Make sure you sign in by the door.
---Check your child’s transportation---- bus or car? ---Sign up for November Conferences. (don’t worry, a reminder and conference survey will come home as the time approaches!) ---Take the important forms folder home with you. (If you want to fill out a few things while here, feel free! Otherwise, please return the folder/signed forms ASAP!)


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