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Test Driven Infrastructure

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Presentation on theme: "Test Driven Infrastructure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Driven Infrastructure
Bringing Software Development Techniques to Operations Alejandro González Pérez Ebury -

2 Infrastructure as Code: Why?
- Reproducible Results - Avoid Snowflake Servers - Testable - Automate deploy & Recovery process - Easier autoscaling - Versioning 2

3 Infrastructure as Code: What we want to avoid

4 Infrastructure as Code: Principles
- Write definition files to define your infrastructure - Keep it in VCS: Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc. - Self documented process “Treat your servers as cattle, not pets” It’s need testing. 4

5 Test Driven Infrastructure
Why TDI? - The earlier we found the bug the cheaper - Focus on the code you need - Code Quality We need to bring techniques from Software Developers Teams and TDD it’s a great example. 5

6 TDI 6

7 Testing your Infrastructure
- Why we need to add tests to infrastructure? Because It’s code. - What to test? I’m not asking you to test everything, just complex situations that can escape to your control. 7

8 TDD / TDI Diagram 8

9 Test Pyramid 9

10 Avoiding an Unbalanced Test suite

11 Test Pyramid: Low-level tests

12 Low level tests – Static analysis– Ansible
- Ansible Lint - - Ansible-playbook -- check and -- diff options 12

13 Low level tests – Other Options

14 Test Pyramid: Medium-level tests

15 Medium Level Tests: Inspec
- Testing framework - Written in ruby - Human Readable Syntax - You can run your tests via: local, ssh ,winrm or docker 15

16 Medium Level Tests: Inspec basic usage
How to install? - inspec init profile [Profile Name] - inspec exec [folder] [-t target] 16

17 Medium Level Tests: Inspec Syntax

18 Medium Level Tests: Inspec syntax

19 Medium Level Tests: Inspec resources
- Around 100 different resources - System: service, crontab, port, etc. - Specific software config file checking: nginx_conf, mysql_conf, etc. - File parsing, XML, Yaml, json, etc. If none of those suits you, you can use “bash” or “command” 19

20 Test Pyramid: High-level tests

21 High-level tests: Inspec

22 High-level tests: Testing your cloud
Awspec: 22

23 Test Pyramid: Summary 23

24 Integrate it with your workflow

25 Integrate it with your workflow: Ebury Example

26 Testing Frameworks 26

27 Summary Test your code. 27

28 Testing your Infrastructure
Resources: - Infrastructure as Code - Inspec io Official Documentation - Ansible Official documentation - Puppet: - FoodCritic: - Test Driven Development - Molecule: - KitchenCI: 28

29 Demo

30 Questions?


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