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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Absolution forgiveness, pardon, release Blatant obvious Creditable praiseworthy Ensconce to hide securely, to cover or shelter Hasten hurry, accelerate, rush Laceration a cut Obdurate stubborn Plausible can be believed, reasonable Reprieve a respite(break); postponement of a sentence Tawdry of little value, gaudy

3 Any _________ act of disrespect toward a teacher will result in an automatic office referral.

4 Henry VIII chose to ________ his unfortunate wife in the Tower of London, where she waited to be beheaded.

5 Peter hoped for _________ from his terrible transgressions
Peter hoped for _________ from his terrible transgressions. He made so many bad choices!

6 Fairplay’s __________ students consistently exceed our expectations.

7 Joe’s constant interruption served to________his referral to the principal.

8 Mrs. Parham granted her students a brief vocabulary _________ when she cancelled the vocabulary quiz.

9 When teachers ask you to follow procedures, it isn’t wise to choose to be _________ and fail to do so.

10 Dolly Parton says that it takes a lot of money to look as cheap and________ as she does.

11 James suffered a severe __________to his arm when he wrecked the car.

12 “I couldn’t do my homework because I was abducted by aliens
“I couldn’t do my homework because I was abducted by aliens!” This is not a _________ excuse.

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