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“Does It Really Matter?!”

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1 “Does It Really Matter?!”
Acts 4 (4:1-4)

2 The accident happened on her 19th driving lesson
The accident happened on her 19th driving lesson. Here is the actual transcript of the court’s proceedings…

3 …has the Gospel message changed any since
…has the Gospel message changed any since? Isn’t the very hub of Christian hope/promise in the fact that Jesus is alive? Doesn’t the empty tomb…?

4 to show the resurrection of Jesus really does matter
Purpose: to show the resurrection of Jesus really does matter

5 I Is There a GOD?

6 Gandhi on atheism: “It amazes me to find an intelligent person who fights against something which he does not at all believes exists.” Mahatma Gandhi

7 I Is There a GOD? A. The Bible Always Assumes God B. What a Human Life
C. What a Divine Life

8 J.R.W. Stott (preacher and author)
“Such a preacher would not long escape the attention of police or psychiatrists!” J.R.W. Stott (preacher and author)

9 II Aren’t All Religions of EQUAL VALUE?
A. Alive Never Again to See Death B. Alive to Meet Man’s Greatest Need

10 Responded to August Comte who intended to found a new religion: “Splendid – all you need to do is speak as never man spoke, live as never man lived, be crucified, rise again the third day, and get the world to believe you are still alive. Then your religion may have a chance.” Thomas Carlyle

11 III What Happens After DEATH?

12 The conclusion of this book: “No one can know for sure because nobody has experienced death and come back to explain it.”

13 III What Happens After DEATH?
A. Christ is Our Cape of Good Hope


15 …He blazed the trail. He alone can act as our pilot taking us around The Cape of Death to The Cape of Life.

16 III What Happens After DEATH?
A. Christ is Our Cape of Good Hope B. Christ is the Beginning of the New Creation

17 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

18 “It isn’t the artist, but the viewers who are on trial.”

19 Conclusion and Summary:
…We are free to mock, neglect, refuse, dishonor and even deny Him. But remember this, the God who offers you and me our greatest need will one day say, “Time is no more!” Thus, our God is not One with Whom to trifle. It is you and me who are on trial. Our Lord’s integrity and person have been proven by the resurrection. The question is, what will you and I do with Him?

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