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Bystander Vocab 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Bystander Vocab 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bystander Vocab 2

2 Reluctant-adjective Showing doubt or unwillingness
Ivy was reluctant to trying new vegetables.

3 Vacate- verb To leave We had to vacate our house after we sold it.

4 Genuine- adjective Real, honest, or sincere
Bill welcomed the new student with a genuine smile

5 Retort- noun A quick clever or angry reply
Ellie's angry retort surprised Max.

6 Vague- adjective Not clearly expressed
Bob was lost following the vague directions

7 Nonetheless –adverb in spite of
The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless.

8 Constructive- adjective
Helping to improve something While giving a peer edit it is important to give constructive feedback

9 Hysterical- adjective
showing extreme and uncontrolled emotion The class was filled with hysterical laughing after Dan’s knock knock joke

10 Spontaneous- adjective
Done freely or naturally Sasha took a spontaneous jump across the beach

11 Essence- noun The basic part of something
The book's illustrations capture the essence of the story

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