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Welcome Back To Physical Science!

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2 Welcome Back To Physical Science!
Do now: Think about something scientific that amazes you. Write down: Three observations that you can make about it that amazes you. Three other reasons that it amazes you. Complete this as the start of the notes for today

3 Welcome Back To Physical Science!
Do now: Think back to your list from yesterday. Choose something scientific that amazes you (either from the list or something new) . Write down: Three observations that you can make about it that amazes you. Three other reasons that it amazes you. Complete this at the start of the notes for today

4 Bell Schedule Today Period Times Length Adv. 7:42-9:12 90 minutes 1
9:15-9:55 40 minutes 2 9:58-10:38 3 10:41-11:21 4 11:24-12:04 5 12:07-12:47 6 12:50-1:30 7 1:33-2:13 2:16-2:46 30 minutes

5 Reminder Get your syllabus signed by tomorrow.
If you are new, get a syllabus at the end of class If you lost your syllabus, you can print it off of the course website

6 Class Expectations Be on time and prepared for class
Come prepared to learn something new each day Respect the our class as a place of learning Respect yourself and your peers Be persistent.  Ask questions and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!

7 Some Procedures Entering the Classroom Be on time.
Enter the room in an appropriate manor (or I’ll make you leave and try again!)and be ready to work and learn Follow the directions on the board and start the do-now.

8 Some Procedures During Class
Take notes. Everything I put on the board is important! Raise your hand to ask a question. No side conversations during instruction Ask questions! Participate in group assignments

9 Some Procedures Leaving the Classroom
No leaving during first 15 minutes or last 10 minutes of class To leave: Write yourself a note with Your name, where you are going, the time you are leaving Hold the paper up and I will come sign it. PLEASE DON’T interrupt class. Grab the hall pass object and go.

10 Some Procedures End of Class
I will dismiss you, not the bell (Although I will always try to be on time) Clean up around your desk/table. Make sure that you have the night’s homework

11 Any Questions? Is there anything I forgot to cover?

12 You be the scientist… What do scientists do? Scientists Investigate
Scientists Plan Experiments Scientists Observe Scientists Test Results

13 What kind of scientist do you want to be?
What subjects will we focus on?

14 Theories vs Laws What are some theories that you know about? What are some laws? How are these similar and different?

15 Theories vs Laws Scientific Law: Describes a process in nature that can be tested by repeated experiment. A law allows predictions to be made about how a system will behave under a wide range of conditions. Examples???

16 Theories vs Laws Scientific Theory: An explanation of how a natural process works. To be a valid theory it must: Explain observations clearly and consistently Be repeatable Be able to be used to predict future results. Examples???

17 Practice Directions: Label each statement as either theory or law. Then, underline the word or words that helped you decide and explain your reasoning. The continents drift at a rate of 1 – 12 inches per year.  Continental drift is caused by convection currents Evolution occurs because of natural selection. Species change over time. This is called evolution. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only change form. Heat can cause matter to change form by accelerating particles, leading to a phase change or chemical reaction.

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