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CNI Project Briefing December 5, 2005

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1 CNI Project Briefing December 5, 2005
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) CNI Project Briefing December 5, 2005

2 NDIIPP Elements Preservation Partners Technical Architecture Research
Preservation Partners Technical Architecture Research

3 Lead Institutions for the 8 Partnerships
California Digital Library: Web political content Emory University: MetaArchive of Southern digital culture UC Santa Barbara: NGDA Geospatial Data NC State University: Geospatial Data U of Maryland: business records U of Michigan: DataPASS--Social science data U of Illinois, OCLC, State & academic libraries, NCSA: State government publications, among other content WNET/PBS: Digital television (red=represented in today’s panel)

4 Goals for the Partnerships
Identify/select/collect content; communicate strategies for doing so Probe intellectual property issues Collaborate broadly in developing a shared technical architecture Study economic sustainability Identify and share best practices Learn how to build and incrementally improve a preservation network

5 Network of Networks LC pleased to see interconnections between partners, other networks Some examples: Association of Research Libraries Digital Library Federation Coalition for Networked Information UK Joint Information Systems Committee

6 Broad Categories of Challenges
Technical Legal Social Economic

7 MetaArchive Project Emory Univ. & partners
Distributed preservation network of six institutions now deployed and functioning Conspectus database (based on UKOLN RSLP and DCC) of all collections archived in the network of nodes Now working on developing a long-term Cooperative to support our network Negotiating many issues about organizational roles and responsibilities in such a Cooperative Examining various organizational structures for the Cooperative, including unincorporated association for interim period of 1-2 years, and 501(c)(3) for subsequent long term; now drafting inter-institutional contracts

8 North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project
Project Goals Preservation of state and local geospatial data resources Engaging existing spatial data infrastructure Emerging Challenges Rethinking content: not just data--also cartographic representation and geospatial documents Technical challenges: handling complex objects in a repository; spatial databases Engaging the industry: making the case for historic and temporal data--gathering use cases

9 UCSB—Geospatial Data: NGDA Overview

Designed NGDA architecture; combination of new and available: Storage subsystem (Isilon, Archivas) Server to connect components and manage ingest Existing ADL as interface for access and federation Major challenge: Developing Geospatial Format Registry Collections issues in archiving geospatial imagery: Developing collection policies and provider contracts Definition of “at-risk” digital information Identifying good collections to test/prototype system: UCSB: 3 TB CaSIL data; Stanford: .5 TB, Rumsey Collection Major challenge: Multi-layered data environment and poorly documented formats Team building challenges: People who understand mission and have technical skills Developing a common vocabulary Year Two goals: Web-accessible prototype for demonstration Economic sustainability models Collections (MODIS, Landsat, Shapefiles, DOQQ)

11 ECHODepository: Illinois, OCLC, State & Academic Libraries, NCSA
Year 1 Accomplishments: Selection rationale (Arizona Model) OCLC Web Archiving Workbench Tools Repository evaluation Repository interoperability: Hub & spoke model Partnership building: NCSA, CDL, others Challenges: Scalability & flexibility of software & storage architectures Import/export commonalities: METS

12 CDL: Web at Risk A Distributed Approach to Preserving our Nation’s Heritage
Project Goal: develop a web-archiving service to enable institutions to continue their historic collection, management, and preservation roles. Collection Challenges: web-based events (Katrina) The nature of events on the web Technical and social issues Selection, collection & classification Balancing rights and acquisition needs Understanding information retrieval

13 Successful creation of a database of content What have we learned?
Michigan: Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (DataPASS) Goals: Build Partnership to Identify and preserve at-risk digital social science content Successful creation of a database of content What have we learned? Identification/selection daunting Technology challenging Aided by social science metadata standards Building a partnership very useful

14 Emerging Issues Natural tension between collaboration and tradition of institution-specific approaches Much interest in joint infrastructure, but developing shared services will take time Existing preservation methods are being stretched Balancing a focus on project goals while also considering lots of interesting ideas

15 Learning and Incremental Development
We need to get broad feedback and continue learning Still no “silver bullet” solution to digital preservation NDIIPP considering all viable approaches, working toward gradual development of decentralized, interoperable architecture Our partners are modeling this approach

16 Contact Information: LOC: William Lefurgy CDL: Patricia Cruse Emory: Martin Halbert Illinois: Beth Sandore Michigan: Myron Gutmann NC State: Steven Morris UCSB: Sarah Pritchard

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