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Author Affiliations 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines.

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Presentation on theme: "Author Affiliations 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author Affiliations 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines.
Heading size 66pt Arial bold and exactly 76pt space between lines (or larger if room) Presentation authors’ names 40pt Arial bold and exactly 50pt space between lines Author Affiliations 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines. ADD LOGOS HERE Introduction Results Text size 36pt Arial and exactly 50pt space between lines (replace with your text) Text size 36pt Arial and exactly 50pt space between lines (replace with your text) Background Text size 36pt Arial and exactly 50pt space between lines (replace with your text) Fig. 2 Caption size 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines Conclusion Text size 36pt Arial and exactly 50pt space between lines (replace with your text) Fig. 1 Caption size 24pt Arial and exactly 34pt space between lines Methodology Text size 36pt Arial and exactly 50pt space between lines (replace with your text) References Reference text size 15pt Arial and exactly 22pt space between line

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