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INTEGERS Chapter 4.

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1 INTEGERS Chapter 4

2 WARM UP Write an integer addition problem that models the elevator’s motion in each case. The street level is represented by zero on a number line.

3 Integer Notes – CH Suppose the elevator starts at street level, goes down 4 floors, and then goes up 11 floors. What floor is the elevator on?___________________ _________________describes the distance of a number on the number line from 0 without considering which direction from zero the number lies. The absolute value of a number is never ________________. The absolute value of -12 is ______. Zero is neither _____________ nor _____________. The symbol for absolute value is ________________________surrounding the number or expression for which you wish to indicate absolute value. When adding two integers with the same sign, add the integers and _____________ the sign. When adding integers with opposite signs, subtract the integers and keep the sign of the integer with the greater __________________________. A number line can be used to model integer addition. When adding a positive integer, move to the _____________ on the number line. When adding a negative integer, move to the _____________ on the number line. Addition of integers can also be modeled using __________________that represent positive (+) charges and negative (-) charges. Two numbers with the sum of zero are called ________________________. Draw a model for each and complete the number sentence.

4 What is absolute value? What is the absolute value of -8?
What is the I-7I? What is the I8I?


6 We can represent integers with numberlines and/or with counters.

7 Use a number line to determine each sum
Use a number line to determine each sum. Then write a sentence to describe the movement you used on the number line to compute the sum of the two integers.

8 Two numbers with the sum of zero are called additive inverses.


10 Draw the model then complete the number sentence in your notes.

11 On your own please do the following classwork
On your own please do the following classwork. You will have __5__ minutes to complete it and then you will meet with your table to compare answers. Textbook p # 4, 5, 6 Textbook p. 214 #13 Textbook p. 219 #6

12 P. 208 #4,5,6

13 p. 214 #13 p. 219 #6

14 Page 224




18 Subtraction is the inverse of addition, it is the same as adding the opposite number.

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