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The Great Depression Around the Globe

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1 The Great Depression Around the Globe

2 The Crisis Spreads Began w/NYSE crash of 1929 Spread worldwide by 1931
Industrial export-based economies like Germany and Japan were affected most Non-industrialized regions that exported raw materials (Africa, Asia, Latin America) also suffered S. African economy boomed due to worldwide demand for gold

3 Responses to the Depression
Countries adopted unprecedented measures to deal bank failures, unemployment, etc. British, French, American govt’s all intervened in their economies, but stayed democratic Italy, Japan, Germany became authoritarian, sought solutions through military expansion

4 Colorado State Fairgrounds

5 Englewood Post Office

6 Post Office Mural


8 Red Rocks

9 The Stalin Revolution Joseph Stalin, Lenin’s successor, made himself dictator of the USSR in the 1930’s Soviet economy grew during 30’s as a result of Stalin’s 5 Year Plans

10 Cultivate Vegetables!-1930
Help Build Gigantic Factories!-1929

11 Many landowning peasants resisted agricultural collectivization
8 million were arrested, many executed Famine of caused the deaths of 5 million more

12 Purges of the 1930’s were designed to eliminate all threats to Stalin’s power
Millions were sent to gulags By the end of the 1930’s, USSR was the 3rd largest economy in the world

13 The Rise of Fascism Fascist states developed in Italy (1922) under Mussolini and Germany (1933) under Hitler Dictatorship, extreme nationalism, anti-communism, and military expansion characterized both

14 Mussolini and Hitler

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