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Wrt 105: practices of academic writing

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1 Wrt 105: practices of academic writing
Dr. Rusty Bartels Friday, September 21st, 2018 Week 4, Day 3

2 Overview Overview Freewrite Defining Genre Exercise
Review Assignment #2 Wrap-up

3 Freewrite How do you define, or understand, genre?
What are some examples of genres? When I say that our unit is going to be focused on genre, what are your impressions? Expectations? Share with a neighbor Whole class – at least 3 voices

4 Defining GENRE Merriam-Webster Definition:
a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content a classic of the gothic novel genre Kind, sort painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually realistically Oxford English Dictionary (OED): A style or category of art, music, or literature. as modifier Denoting or relating to a style of painting depicting scenes from ordinary life, typically domestic situations, associated particularly with 17th-century Dutch and Flemish artists.

5 Defining GENRE Wikipedia:
any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially- agreed upon conventions developed over time. Prof. Bartels’ Version a form of classification that helps the author and audience identify expectations in producing/consuming a form of communication.

6 Exercise Groups of 2-4 Think of something that recently happened on campus that you want to share (communicate) with a group of friends. This could be a real experience or something you’ve made up. Now, draft how you might do that in at least 3 different social media or digital communication platforms. Possible forms: Facebook, twitter, Instagram, snapchat, reddit, , other online forum, Tumblr, etc. You may draft within the app if you wish, or write/type different things. me the screenshots of your different versions if you wish me to share it up on the screen.

7 Review Assignment #2

8 Wrap-up Today we: Began Unit 2 Introduced the concept of genre
Reviewed Assignment #2 Next time: Reading: “What’s Genre?” Continuing our conversation on defining and understanding genre, and the different elements involved.

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