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Law and Order.

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1 Law and Order

2 Laws Laws- rules that all people are expected to follow, which are enforced by government Laws are meant to bring order and set standards in all areas. Examples: Traffic laws, illegal downloading, getting hit by a car, someone breaking into your house, murder, protection from “fake” Jordans, eating non- poisonous food

3 Laws Laws are based on Morals
Morals- beliefs on what is fair, and what is right and wrong Civil disobedience- breaking a law in a nonviolent way because it goes against personal morals Example- SELMA march by Dr. MLK

4 Kinds of Laws Statutes- laws written by elected legislatures
Example- drinking age is 21 Common law- judges determine what a law should be based on beleifs of the people and needs of society Example- pollution standards Legal codes- laws written by and organized by subject Example- tax law, family law, personal injury law

5 Breaking the Law Crime- any behavior considered illegal because the government considers it harmful Criminal law- refers to the group of laws that tells which acts are crimes, how accused should be tried in court, and how crimes should be punished

6 Breaking the Law Felony- a serious crime in which the punishment can be imprisonment for more than a year Example- murder, kidnapping Misdemeanor- less serious crime where penalty is often a fine or community service Example- littering while driving, shoplifting

7 Civil Law Civil law- group of laws that settle disagreements between people Example- “lemon law” for cars, defective merchandise from store

8 Other kinds of Crimes Burglary- breaking into a building to do something illegal Larceny- taking something without force Robbery- taking something through force or threat of force Assault- placing someone in fear without physical contact Battery- if physical contact occurs with placing of fear

9 Other kinds of crime Embezzlement- stealing money that has been trusted to your care Homicide- killing someone Murder- killing someone with no excuse Manslaughter- Killing someone on accident

10 Other kinds of crime Treason- betrayal of one’s country by helping its enemies Terrorism- threat or action in trying to use violence in order to get what they want from a government Examples- cyber, action, criminal, political

11 Causes of Crime 1 Poverty- unemployment and not earning enough money to support themselves 2 Social change- technology for older people 3 Poor parenting- not teaching the difference between right and wrong 4 Drug use and mental illness- committing crimes while under the influence, and mental illness not treated with medication 5 Not enough Police, 6 violence in media, and 7 biased courts

12 Justice System Probable cause- good reason to believe a crime or illegal activity is taking place Warrant- legal paper issued by court, that gives police right to arrest, search or seizure of items Bail- money paid for release of criminal with intent on returning for trial Indictment- formal charge against accused criminal Arraignment-court hearing where criminal is formally charged Parole- letting an inmate go free for rest of sentence, example- good behavior

13 Juvenile courts Delinquent- juvenile or under age of 16 or 17, who has broken the law Status offender- youth who has been found guilty of breaking the law Dispositional hearing- judge usually will determine the sentence for a juvenile based on history and family involvement Probation- a period of time in which a criminal must maintain a clean record

14 Civil Law Lawsuits- case in which a court is asked to settle a dispute
Compensation and damages- money paid out by defendant for loss of time, income, property

15 Court terms Subpoena- court produced witness or testimony
If you witness a crime you can be subpoenaed to testify against someone Disposition- line of questioning asked of a witness during a trial Expert witness- a person who can be brought in to prove a point, or defend an action

16 Legal terms Arbitration- bringing in a third party to discuss legal decisions to be made Example- Miguel Cabrera may enter arbitration to discuss a new contract with the Detroit Tigers.

17 Legal terms Small claims court- civil court where people seeking to recover money totaling less than $3,000

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