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Dr. Clincy Professor of CS

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1 Dr. Clincy Professor of CS
CS Chapter 4 Dr. Clincy Professor of CS TODAY: Demonstration of the use of MARIE (online, Lecture 18 Part 1) TODAY: Rollout Assembly Project Assembly project work day on November 1st Dr. Clincy Lecture Slide 1 1

2 CS3503 Assembly Project Step 1 (10%):
Part 1: On paper, list the hexadecimal code for each instruction (upload to D2L by 11/26/18 5pm). Part 2: Via tracing the code by hand, determine the value stored in the AC when the program terminates (no need to upload this). Part 3: Implement the above program in MARIE, run the program, and determine what value is stored in the AC when the program terminates. Is it the same value as indicated in part 2 ? (no need to upload this) Dr. Clincy 2

3 CS3503 Assembly Project Step 2 (90%):
Write an assembly program using MARIE that outputs all team members’ first names and last names. Your team’s first names should be outputted on one line (row) separated by a single space. Your team’s last names should be outputted on one line (row) separated by a single space beneath the row of first names. I.E. Firstname1 Firstname2 Firstname3 Lastname1 Lastname2 Lastname3 Per the syllabus, you will get November 1st to work on the assembly projects – no class. Upload D2L by November 26th (5pm). 5% penalty per hour late. Only one person from the team should upload. Each team must be prepared to run their assembly program the day of their presentation. We will have only 8 minutes per team to explain your assembly program (and code) and run the program Your presentations will need to be in powerpoint – upload by 11/26/18 5pm. Presentations will be graded based on clarity, flow and thoroughness, and slide quality. There will be a 5-point penalty levied for every minute the presentation goes over or under time (8 minutes). You can come on the day your team present – you don’t have to come on the other presentation day. If you are late to the presentation, your project grade will be docked individually (1% per minute) – you could cause the team to start late November 27th (Tuesday) – Teams 1, 3, 5, 7 November 29th (Thursday) – Teams 2, 4, 6, 8 Dr. Clincy 3

4 TEAMS 1-3 November 27th (Tuesday) – Teams 1, 3, 5
November 29th (Thursday) – Teams 2, 4, 6 You only need to come on the day your team presents Dr. Clincy Lecture Slide 4 4

5 TEAMS 4-6 November 27th (Tuesday) – Teams 1, 3, 5
November 29th (Thursday) – Teams 2, 4, 6 You only need to come on the day your team presents Dr. Clincy Lecture Slide 5 5

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