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Freedom of Speech EOC REVIEW Benchmarks:

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1 Freedom of Speech EOC REVIEW Benchmarks:
SS.7.C.2.4: Evaluate rights contained in the Bill of Rights and other amendments to the Constitution. SS.7.C.3.12: Analyze the significance and outcomes of landmark Supreme Court cases. Objectives: Students will understand the definition of hate speech and how it can escalate prejudice and hateful behavior. Students will evaluate the decision in a court case as it relates to freedom of speech and cyber- bullying.

2 What do you see? What is the evidence in this photograph that the speech may be “hate speech?” Based on your knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, was the speech depicted in this photograph legal or illegal? Describe possible consequences in society of the behaviors depicted in this photograph?

3 Key Terms Discrimination the denial of justice and fair treatment
Genocide the systematic destruction or the attempted extermination of a group of people Hate crime a criminal act directed at an individual or property because of the victim’s real or perceived race, ethnicity, gender, religion, nation origin, sexual orientation, or disability Prejudice a negative attitude toward a person or group formed without examining individual characteristics Scapegoating unfairly blaming an individual or group for circumstances that have varied causes Stereotype an oversimplified generalization about an entire group of people without regard to individual differences

4 The gay community is frequently blamed for increase in nightclub shootings, and sexually transmitted diseases. (Scapegoating) Girls are all about ‘drama’, and not good with numbers or science. (Stereotype) The FBI reports that the frequency of crimes based on race, religion, ethnicity and gender continues to grow at an alarming rate. (Hate Crime) During World War II, Nazis killed six million Jews to protect the so- called “Aryan Race.” (Genocide) Employers often do not hire people whose native language is not English. (Discrimination) People with “white-sounding” names get called back for job interviews 50% more than others. (Prejudice/Discrimination) Fashion magazines rarely photograph overweight people in their features or advertisements. (Prejudice)

5 Discuss the following with your group:
Which of the pyramid categories may include “hateful language?”  Use the pyramid to explain how hateful language contributes to the escalation (growth) of hate in society. Explain what individuals can do to stop the escalation of hate? What can communities do? Even though free speech is protected in most cases by the U.S. Constitution, what could be some implications (results) in society of hate speech?

6 Graded short response:
In a minimum two paragraph response, respond to the following writing prompt: Explain what individuals can do to stop the escalation of hate? What can communities do? Even though free speech is protected in most cases by the U.S. Constitution, what could be some implications (results) in society of hate speech?

7 Supreme Court Cases: Cyberbullying
(Play talent show clip) Discussion: Should this be considered free speech?

8 Summarize in one sentence the issue before the court.
Answer the following questions with your table after reading “The Facts of the Case” Summarize in one sentence the issue before the court.  Summarize the verdict. What was the reasoning of the plaintiff (J.C.)? Why did the court rule as they did? Do you think the verdict would have been different if the “speech” had not occurred online? Why or why not?

9 Graded short response:
Should Cyber Speech be protected?  Using the facts of the J.C. v Beverly Hills Unified School District case and any of the landmark cases provided, write an Opinion taking a side on the question. Response should include evidence from the "Facts of the Case" and "Taking it to the Court."

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