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Popular culture in Britain since 1945

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1 Popular culture in Britain since 1945
Pr John Mullen

2 DST + Examen + oral

3 Curriculum 1 General historical background 2 What is popular culture? What is British popular culture ? Theory and analysis 3 Art, Photography, street art, etc, 4 The history of British cinema 5 The history of British popular music

4 1 General background

5 1945

6 1946

7 1947

8 1948 Berlin airlift Founding of the NHS

9 1949 Founding of NATO Parliament Act: reduction of the power of the House of Lords

10 1950 The stone of Scone is stolen Troops sent to fight in Korea

11 1951 Churchill PM again The massive public housing programme continues

12 1952

13 Tenzing Norgay on Everest
1953 Coronation

14 1954 Lord Montagu jailed for homosexual relations
Television Act will lead to end of BBC monopoly

15 1955 Last woman to be hanged Anthony Eden PM
Greek Cypriot nationalists began to fight British rule

16 1956 « Suez crisis » : failed invasion of Egypt
Health Minister rejects proposal for anti-smoking campaign

17 1957 Macmillan PM Founding of CND Independence of Ghana

18 1958 Radical reform of the House of Lords Fighting in Notting Hill

19 1959

20 1960 The Wind of Change

21 1961 S Africa becomes a Republic

22 1962 An Act to make temporary provision for controlling the immigration into the United Kingdom of Commonwealth citizens; to authorise the deportation from the United Kingdom of certain Commonwealth citizens convicted of offences and recommended by the court for deportation …

23 1963

24 1964 Labour election victory Commons Harold Wilson: a new style of PM?
vote to abolish Capital punishment Harold Wilson: a new style of PM?

25 1965 Grammar schools and Secondary modern schools phased out,
New leader of Conservative party

26 Seamen’s strike 1966

27 Sexual offences Act The Welsh Language Act was passed 1967

28 1968 Enoch Powell’s « Rivers of Blood » speech
Women ministers authorized

29 1969 Uk troops in Northern Ireland North sea Oil


31 1970

32 1971 Trade union density in the United Kingdom from 1900 to 2000

33 1972 Saltley Gate coke works February 1972 Bloody Sunday

34 1974 January to March: the three-day week

35 1975 Elected leader of Conservative Party, Feb 1975
EEC referendum 1975

36 1976 Harold Wilson resigns, April 1976

37 James Callaghan Prime minister 1976-1979 (after Wilson’s second term 1974-6)
1975 arrival of North Sea oil 1976 IMF crisis 1976 Race Relations Act 1978 Winter of discontent

38 1977 The Silver Jubilee 1977 The Sex Pistols

39 1979-1997 Conservative government
(Margaret Thatcher ; John Major )

40 Privatizations: British gas, British Aerospace, British Telecom, Electricity board etc.

41 Laws about trade union activity are passed in 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988 and 1993
Strict limitations are gradually placed on picketing, on solidarity strikes, on strike ballots and on the closed shop. 1980 Steel strike

42 1981 Hunger strike

43 1982

44 March 1984 to March 1985: The Great Miners’ Strike 1984

45 1990 : the Poll Tax and the Poll Tax Revolt

46 1990-97 John Major’s premiership

47 1993

48 1997 : after eighteen years of Conservative government, Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister with his « New Labour » party

49 1999 Macpherson report

50 1997 : Referendums decide on much more autonomy for Wales and Scotland

51 1998 Minimum Wage Act 2000 Freedom of Information Act

52 1999: important reform of the House of Lords

53 2000

54 2004 Demonstration against the war in Iraq

55 2010 : A second inquiry into Bloody Sunday

56 David Cameron. Prime minister


58 2012


60 2014 Scottish Independence referendum

61 June 2016 2016


63 A la surprise générale la nouvelle dirigeante du parti conservateur et donc première ministre, Theresa May n’est pas choisie parmi les politiciens très connus.

64 L’extrême droite voudrait en profiter

65 Les antiracistes s’organisent



68 Jeremy Corbyn

69 Opinion polls before 2017 general election

70 Opinion polls now




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