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2-2 What is the Process of Science?

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Presentation on theme: "2-2 What is the Process of Science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2-2 What is the Process of Science?

2 The Scientific Method not a stepwise process
strategy for drawing conclusions some steps may be repeated many times

3 Many different scientific procedures
observing formulating hypotheses testing theorizing publishing results

4 Scientific discoveries can com from unexpected observations or accidents
teflon POLYMER – a large organic molecule composed of smaller units bonded together in chains cisplatin

5 HYPOTHESIS a reasonable and testable explanation of observations
gather data look for pattterns propose explanation (hypothesis) often written in “if – then” format describes cause and effect relationship

6 Experiments are used to test hypotheses

7 EXPERIMENT a process carried out under controlled conditions
must document and control variables VARIABLE – any aspect of an experiment that can be changed to affect the outcome of the experiment CONTROL EXPERIMENT – procedure in which a variable is kept constant from one trial to the next isolates key variables

8 Conclusions must come only from data obtained in experiments

9 Hypothesis that withstands repeated testing may become part of a theory

10 THEORY a well-tested explanation of observations
a broad generalization that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning explanation, not fact cannot be completely proven should explain most of what is observed if proven wrong, must be thrown out or modified

11 MODEL a simplified representation of an object, system, process, or idea can take many forms refined as new info becomes available

12 SCIENTIFIC LAW a descripton of the natural world that has proven reliable over time a statement or mathematical expression that reliably describes the behavior of the world describes, not explains

13 Hypothesis predicts an event.

14 Theory explains it.

15 Law describes it.

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