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Write up your Daniel Webster Source plan as a full answer

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1 Write up your Daniel Webster Source plan as a full answer
Flipped Learning Due TASK: Write up your Daniel Webster Source plan as a full answer

2 Please answer the following question in your notes:
Fact Test Please answer the following question in your notes: Which key person was from Kentucky?  Was John Calhoun a Democrat or a Whig? Was Daniel Webster for or against the 1850 Compromise? Which two people served as President during the 1850 Compromise? Which of the two Presidents was against the 1850 Compromise? Which key person split the Compromise down into 5 separate bills? Which key person would go onto lead the Confederacy? Which key person was an abolitionist? Who said John Calhoun’s speech? In which year did Henry Clay die? What didn’t you get – get someone to answer it

3 Topic: Fugitive Slave Law (1850)
KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created tension between the North and South

4 Laws concerning Fugitive Slaves
Use the following sides to: Give each law a mark /10 based on how strict it is Explain why either in the bar or below your graph 10 How strict is the law? 5 4 laws - look at following slides and info about each Consider – implementation State law vs federal law (ie – south would prefer slavery to state rights) How severe penalties are Do people follow it. Constitution (Article 4) 1793 FSL Prigg v. Pennsylvania 1850 FSL KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

5 United States Constitution: Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3
No person held to service or labour in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labour, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. 3/4 Vague Outlines slaves are futurtives, but nothing beyond that KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

6 Fugitive Slave Act 1793 Authorized local governments to seize and return escaped slaves to their owners Imposed a $500 penalty on anyone who aided runaway slaves in their flight. Building upon constitution – add on. Still lacks clarity Local govt. more responsibility Not clear on ‘aid’ 4/5 KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

7 Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842)
The Supreme Court declared a slaveholders right to his property overrode any contrary state legislation… but! States did not have to offer aid in the hunting or recapture of slaves. More and less severe - FSL more important (1st point) (2nd point) – more relaxed. Roughly same line as before. Helps North continue to avoid it to a degree KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

8 Fugitive Slave Act 1850 Federal Marshalls to raises posses to pursue fugitives on northern soil. Those who refuse to join risked a $1000 fine. Federal Commissioners could determine the fate of alleged fugitives without a jury trial or testimony. (slavery more important than states rights??) Not just recent runaway slaves, but those that had escaped in the decades previous Any person aiding a runaway slave by providing food or shelter was subject to six months' imprisonment and a $1,000 fine Federal govt = more involvement 2. Purely commissioners decision. Brutal Ignored quite abit still. 8 (not above) 3. Links to all slaves from the past 4. More specific on hard. KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

9 Reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law
You have been given a series of hexagons that outline different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law. They can be categorised into three groups within American society. What different groups existed in America Society in 1850? KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

10 Reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law
You have been given a series of hexagons that outline different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law. They can be categorised into three groups within American society. TASK 1: Sort the cards into three groups, based on similarities in their reaction to the Fugitive Slave Law TASK 2: Decide what group in society each category is and then stick them onto your A3 paper. CHALLENGE: Do these reactions give you a full picture of reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law? Justify your answer. KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

11 Slaves 3000 moved to Canada in last 3 months of 1850
Used underground railroads - network of secret routes and safe houses used to help flee into Canada. A slave named Margaret Garner, killed her daughter to prevent her from being returned into slavery. KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

12 Abolitionists The Fugitive Slave Law (1850) appalled this group
An owner who tried to recapture his slave was killed in Pennsylvania. A newspaper reported: ‘Civil War – the first blow struck’ Aided fugitive slaves by violently resisting recapture. 1854: Boston mob broke into a courthouse and killed a guard in an attempt to rescue fugitive slave Anthony Burns. (The people of Boston later purchased Burn’s freedom). A large crowd helped to rescue escaped slave Jerry from jail in Syracuse, New York. William Lloyd Garrison: ‘‘The only way to make the Fugitive Slave Act a dead letter, is to make half a dozen or more dead kidnappers’ KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

13 Moderate Northerners Other northern states forbade the use of local jails or the assistance of state officials in the arrest or return of alleged fugitive slaves. 9 states passed "personal liberty laws” mandating a jury trial before alleged fugitive slaves could be sent back into slavery. The act contained a number a features which were distasteful to this group Accept the Fugitive Slave law as the price they had to pay to save the Union Vigilance committees sprang up in many Northern communities. (Groups of private citizens to administer the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law). In some cases, juries refused to convict individuals who had been accused under the Federal law. KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

14 Balance… Overt resistance should not be exaggerated. The south and abolitionists exaggerated to amount of resistance. In most northern states the Fugitive Slave Law was enforced. KNOW The key details of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) EXPLAIN The different reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law JUDGE How far the Fugitive Slave law created sectional tension

15 To what extent did the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) increase sectional tension?
Small Extent Large Extent Write one sentence that makes your answer to the question clear. Write sentences that contain relevant, accurate and detailed evidence. Use the knowledge you have just recalled to explain why your opinion is right and justified. Write one PEE paragraph that explains your answer to this question.

16 To what extent did the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) increase sectional tension?
Peer Assessment 1 point – if your partner makes a clear point in their first sentence about what there opinion is on this topic. 2 points – if your partner uses detailed evidence that covers more than one group in American society. 3 points – if your partner explains why the evidence justifies the level of tension outlined in sentence one. Write one sentence that makes your answer to the question clear. Write sentences that contain relevant, accurate and detailed evidence. Use the knowledge you have just recalled to explain why your opinion is right and justified. DECIDE how far the Fugitive Slave law created tension between the North and South

17 Review: Fugitive Slave Law (1850)
Give a mark out of 10, based on how much tension you think the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) caused. Be prepared to explain your mark Explain 2 reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law (1850) Recall 3 facts about laws concerning Fugitive Slaves

18 Flipped Learning Read the handout you have been given on Abolitionism
Highlight 10 key points in the article about the growth of abolitionism in the North Star what you believe are the 3 most important points DUE: Next America lesson

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