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WQX Data Flow Expansion Project
Ute Mountain Ute WQX Data Flow Expansion Project Region 7 / Region 8 Exchange Network Meeting Lenexa, KS EPA Region 7 Office September 26th and 27th
Project Overview From the EPA 2014 Grant Solicitation:
“Provide participants improved exchange of and access to high quality water quality data.” The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (UMUT) along with 19 other Tribal Environmental Programs in EPA Region VIII have been successfully utilizing the AWQMS application to manage and flow their water quality data. This effort has been a success not only for the region but for Tribal programs across the country that have benefited from the capabilities of AWQMS developed for these programs. This project is designed to build on past success by providing training and support to build Tribal capacity to increase regional submission of WQX data via the Exchange Network and to publish data with the virtual node technology while also providing enhancements to increase the quantity and quality of data flow with the ability to flow habitat, macroinvertebrate and continuous monitoring data.
Project Overview In Fall, 2013 Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Water Quality Program applied for an FY-2014 Cycle Exchange Network Grant. Contracted with Gold Systems to deliver many of the “outputs” associated with the grant goals. Scott Clow - Environmental Programs Director Colin Larrick – Grant/Contract Manager Although the Region VIII AWQMS implementation has been a significant success, there are still many enhancements needed to allow all of the tribes in the region to flow not only their water chemistry data but also their biological and habitat assessment data. Additionally, many tribal programs in the region have begun to collect and store continuous monitoring data. AWQMS needs to be enhanced to better manage this data locally and submit this data to WQX. This project will address these deficiencies by creating and providing enhancements to AWQMS to support habitat and benthic macroinvertebrate data as well as for continuous monitoring data while at the same time provide technical support and coordination between Tribes in the region to build capacity and significantly increase regional submissions of WQX data via the exchange network.
Project Overview Directly benefits all tribal water quality programs in EPA Region 8 Indirectly benefits approximately 60+ other tribes using AWQMS Indirectly benefits 7 states using AWQMS Indirectly benefits approximately 65+ volunteer and/or municipal groups in the Colorado Data Sharing Network As with previous efforts, the enhancements made to the AWQMS system will benefit not only the Region VIII tribes but also the many other AWQMS users across the nation.
23 of the Federally Recognized Tribes in EPA Region 8 are participants
Source for graphic:
Project Overview The Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System (AWQMS) is a key component of the project. The Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System (AWQMS) is a key component of the project. AWQMS provides a single tool for consolidation, validation, analysis, assessment, and sharing of the data.
Project Overview Goal 1: Significantly increase regional submissions of WQX data via the Exchange Network Over the past several years, almost all of the Region VIII tribes have been managing their data in a WQX compatible format and sharing this data with Regional EPA personnel. Only about a third of these tribes, however, have submitted this data to WQX for inclusion in the STORET Data Warehouse and other national data publishing tools. This goal is to increase tribal submissions in the region to 100% of participating tribes by improving the tribe's ability to filter the data in AWQMS that is submitted to WQX. By adding capabilities for tribes to select specific characteristics to submit (such as their required 106 parameters) and to select certain sensitive locations to exclude, we will enable the remaining regional tribes to submit their required data while protecting otherwise sensitive information. Flowing water quality data to EPA via the WQX Exchange Network flow is a tier two priority.
Project Overview 1.1 Update the AWQMS application to provide additional filters on data included in WQX submissions and allow these filter criteria to be stored so that it's simpler to submit to WQX Complete! 1.1 Update the AWQMS application to provide additional filters on data included in WQX submissions and allow these filter criteria to be stored so that it's simpler to submit to WQX.
Project Accomplishments
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Project Accomplishments
Project Accomplishments
Project Overview 1.2 Provide a webinar to the region VIII tribes on the enhanced WQX submission features in AWQMS. Stress the importance of submitting required 106 parameters. Complete! 1.2 Provide a webinar to the region VIII tribes on the enhanced WQX submission features in AWQMS. Stress the importance of submitting required 106 parameters.
Project Accomplishments
Project Overview Goal 2: Leverage the EPA-hosted Virtual Node for data publishing services in AWQMS Our existing AWQMS system will be enhanced to take advantage of the new Virtual Node technology to allow our consortium members to publish their data. Utilization of the Virtual node for data publishing is a tier one priority.
Project Overview 2.1 Review & Plan for VN Publishing
2.2 Develop Services 2.3 Provide a Webinar on VN Services Complete! 2.1 Review available documentation on the virtual node, collaborate with virtual node personnel and develop a plan for implementing data publishing services in AWQMS. 2.2 Develop data publishing services that implement the virtual node. 2.3 Provide a webinar to the Region VIII Tribes on the benefits and use of the new virtual node services.
Project Accomplishments
Added AWQMS Virtual Node Publishing Services getProjects getLocations getResults getMetrics getIndexes
Project Accomplishments
Project Overview Goal 3: Flow Habitat Assessment and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data to WQX The region VIII tribes are expanding their water quality programs to capture and analyze these additional forms of water quality data and must expand their use of AWQMS in order to manage, analyze, and submit high quality data to WQX. This goal expands on the successful output of a previous grant that added capabilities to AWQMS for managing these data sets and supported initial tribal programs in loading this data into AWQMS and flowing it to WQX. Under this grant, this effort will be expanded to include participation by many additional tribes in the region. As part of this effort to increase the use of these datasets, the AWQMS data analysis (reporting, graphing, and mapping) will be enhanced to support these new data sources. Additionally AWQMS will be enhanced to automatically generate certain basic metrics based on existing macroinvertebrate or other population census result data in the system. The changes would allow each organization using AWQMS to pre-populate their own profile per taxonomic name and then run routines that would generate and store certain metrics based on the existing result data in accordance with the profile for each taxon. (e.g. calculate a “Percent Clingers” metric). These enhancements to AWQMS will allow the tribal program to utilize its water quality data to address environmental and human health concerns on and near their tribal lands and will assist the tribes to meet the reporting and data submission requirement outlined by the EPA. Flowing these expanded data sets and calculated metrics to EPA via WQX is a tier two priority.
Project Overview 3.1 HA and Macro Data Inventory
3.2 Provide Webinars – Ongoing (Spring 2018) 3.3 Provide Assistance – Ongoing 3.4 Analysis Tools Enhancements– Started 3.5 Basic Abundance Metrics - Analyzing 3.6 Share Enhancements - Started 3.1 Perform an inventory to assess and catalog which of the Region VIII Tribes are collecting Habitat Assessment and/or Macroinvertebrate data and what formats their data are in. 3.2 Provide one or more webinars to the Region VIII Tribes on importing or entering habitat assessment and/or macroinvertebrate data into AWQMS. 3.3 Assist tribes with mapping their data to the WQX data elements and submitting their initial macroinvertebrate and habitat assessment data to WQX. 3.4 Enhance AWQMS to provide needed analysis tools (statistical reports and/or graphs) specific to macroinvertebrate and habitat assessment data. 3.5 Generate metrics based on population census data. 3.6 Share AWQMS enhancements with current AWQMS community members.
Project Accomplishments
Project Accomplishments
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Project Accomplishments
Project Overview Goal 4: Support Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Data and Flow Summary Data to WQX Currently, the AWQMS database is based on the WQX data model and is, therefore, not currently optimized for handling massive amounts of continuous data. The tribes desire to enhance the existing AWQMS database to more efficiently store, retrieve, and share continuous water quality monitoring data. Additionally, the tribes need improved tools for analyzing their continuous data. Lastly, the tribes will use improved features of AWQMS to submit summarizations of continuous data (e.g. daily average, min, and max) to WQX. Flowing these expanded data sets to EPA via WQX is a tier two priority.
Project Overview 4.1 Optimize database and data access
4.2 Optimize data analysis tools 4.3 Improve data summary submissions 4.4 Share the improvements Complete! 4.1 Optimize the Region VIII AWQMS system to better support continuous data. 4.2 Provide data analysis tools (graphs, reports, and mapping tools) in AWQMS optimized for continuous monitoring data. 4.3 Utilize AWQMS to submit summary data to WQX (as recommended by EPA). 4.4 Share AWQMS continuous monitoring data improvements with current AWQMS community members.
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Project Accomplishments
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Project Accomplishments
Goal 5: Building Tribal Capacity
Project Overview Goal 5: Building Tribal Capacity In an effort to efficiently train tribal members on the use of the new and existing AWQMS capabilities, a combination of workshops and re-usable online training modules will be utilized. Under this goal, two regional workshops will be provided to give tribal personnel hands on training using these new capabilities. These workshops would be held at Ute Mountain and EPA Region VIII offices. In addition to the workshops, several online training modules will be developed allowing the tribes to learn and/or review core aspects of the AWQMS application. These will be available on demand for the tribal programs and will be critical for tribes that have high turnover in the water quality data management positions. Finally, this goal will also provide direct support from the AWQMS contractors for issues not addressed in the workshops or online training.
Project Overview 5.1 Provide 2 Workshops – Planning (Spring 2018)
5.2 Online Training Tools - Started 5.3 Direct Support - Ongoing 5.1 Prepare for and provide two workshops to give tribal personnel hands on experience working with the new capabilities added under this grant. 5.2 Develop online training courses to allow tribal personnel to obtain on demand instruction on core aspects of water quality data management and the use of AWQMS. 5.3 Provide direct contractor support for tribes for issues not covered in the workshops or online training.
Project Accomplishments
Assist tribes Import Data into AWQMS Flow data to WQX via the Exchange Network Configure and use AWQMS QC Thresholds
Project Accomplishments
Updated User Guide (In Review) Training Video for Auto-Submit Feature
Project Accomplishments
Project Accomplishments
Before: only 1/3 of participating tribes were submitting data to WQX Now all participating tribes have submitted something to WQX
Project Accomplishments
Total Activities: 64,639 Total Results: 627,073 Results Last 90 Days: 25,262 Results YTD: 49,978 Results Last 12 Months: 134,092 16 Tribes have submitted data in 2017
Project Next Steps Continue Training & Webinars
Continue Remote Assistance Release Updated User Guide Additional Data Analysis Improvements
Project Next Steps Taxa Profile Capability Generate Abundance Metrics
Update Training Videos R8 Tribal Webinar (or workshop?) in Spring 2018
Other Recent AWQMS Work
Leverage EPA Water Quality Portal for combined data analysis GIS “Web Feature Service” (WFS) for integration with GIS tools
GIS Centric Web Services
ArcGIS QGIS Mark – Here are some recent examples of using Open Geospatial Consortium-compliant tools to obtain information from AWQMS using the new GIS web feature service. On the right is QGIS, an Open Source OGC compliant GIS tool. On the left is the ESRI ArcGIS. Both obtained the information from the same AWQMS Web Feature Service following OGC standards. Really quick – Almost click through this.
Other Recent AWQMS Work
Added QA tools for identifying & correcting inconsistent metadata “en masse” Characteristic Name Activity Type Activity Collection Method Activity Time Zone (Start & End)
Other Recent AWQMS Work
Added QA tools for identifying & correcting inconsistent metadata “en masse” Activity Equipment & Comment Activity Collection Method Activity Media and Subdivision Result Value Type
Batch Update Capability
Batch Update Capability
Batch Update Capability
Batch Update Capability
Batch Update Capability
Batch Update Capability
Other Recent AWQMS Work
Auto-Sync AWQMS Domain Values Lists with WQX Domain Value Lists Includes All WQX domain lists - Nightly We rarely manually update AWQMS DVLs anymore Drastically increased our WQX submission success rate!! Mark One of the really nice things about AWQMS is that it uses the same Domain Value Lists as WQX does to govern data entry for data elements that need to be entered in a consistent manner. That really simplifies the process and reduces submission errors when sending data to WQX. Another really nice feature that this EN project has implemented is a nightly auto-synchronization of domain value lists from WQX to AWQMS using the WQX Domain Value List web services. This has drastically increased WQX submission successes from not only the three states involved in the project, but also hundreds of other programs and groups using AWQMS.
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Auto-Calc Metals Standards for Data Analysis (Starting Soon) E.g., based on Hardness Previous input from the state of UT DWQ and EPA Region 8 More input needed. Mark Earlier, I briefly alluded to the ability in AWQMS to compare actual data against water quality standards in order to perform exceedance analysis. AWQMS currently allows you to record and maintain static chronic, acute, and other water quality standards per parameter and designated use combination. Project goal number four is to implement a feature to auto-calculate dynamic water quality standards for metals and possibly other parameters needing dynamically calculated standards based on other parameter results returned from a sampling activity. We’ve previously received some good input on this from the Utah Division of Water Quality and from EPA Region 8 tribal water quality support leads. We’ll be consolidating those notes soon and then reviewing them with the states involved in the project. We’ll also solicit input from other AWQMS community members as well.
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Data analysis improvements / better support Biological Data Habitat Assessment Data Continuous Data Improved SP-14b support (for tribes)
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Document “Library” Single place to search for documents attached to Locations, Projects, Activities, Results, Organization Different types of searches Different ways to categorize Potentially also useful for consortium-wide resources
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Improved Habitat Assessment Data Support Based on NRSA forms (and database) Based on experience with tribes’ forms and spreadsheets Some input from OK WRB already Possible input coming from OR More input needed
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Assessments Improved meta-data management Improved Assessment Decision Support
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Assessments Local Assessment Management System – Tied to WQ Data Capture Historical Basis Submit Biennial Report to ATTAINS via Exchange Network
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Continuous Monitoring Data Dataset “adjustments” (e.g. drift) EPA Central Sensor Catalog Become a “Data Appliance”
Other Upcoming AWQMS Work
Integrated Data Review Process Review dataset Software assisted identification of potential issues Individual or batch adjudication
AWQMS Strategic Plan Event Analysis Capture and manage “events”
During data analysis be able to visualize data in context of events
AWQMS Strategic Plan Open Dumps Tracking (Tribes)
Download data via Exchange Network Visualize on Map in context of monitoring locations and/or beaches
Thank you for listening!
Scott Clow Environmental Programs Director Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (mobile) Colin Larrick Water Quality Specialist Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Environmental Programs Department (970) (970) (cell) Mark LeBaron Director, Project Management Sr. Systems Analyst Gold Systems, Inc.
Supplemental Slides
AWQMS: An Exchange Network Success Story
More Result data in WQX via AWQMS than via any other single source 17% of Result data in WQX flowed to WQX via AWQMS The following statistics are as of January, We are confident they’d be even more impressive with today’s updated numbers More Result data in WQX via AWQMS than via any other single source 17% of Result data in WQX flowed to WQX via AWQMS
AWQMS: An Exchange Network Success Story
73 tribal organizations flow data to WQX using AWQMS. 31% of tribal organizations that flow data to WQX, are using AWQMS 7 states currently flow data to WQX using AWQMS 73 tribal organizations flow data to WQX using AWQMS. 31% of tribal organizations that flow data to WQX, are using AWQMS 7 states currently flow data to WQX using AWQMS
AWQMS: An Exchange Network Success Story
188 organizations use AWQMS to flow data to WQX. 26% of Organizations that flow data to WQX, are using AWQMS Newer numbers will be more impressive! 188 organizations use AWQMS to flow data to WQX. 26% of Organizations that flow data to WQX, are using AWQMS
The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab Samples Habitat Assessments
Probe Readings Fish Census Counts Benthic M.I. Census Counts Etc., etc. Some people may wonder how AWQMS fits into the big “WQX” and “Water Quality Portal” picture. In the real world, we collect our various types of samples and observations; and we record results or receive results back from our labs.
The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S.
Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census Etc. (click through this to the next slide)
The AWQMS Big Picture “Data Limbo” Laptop? Lab .PDF Network Server?
Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S. Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census Etc. “Data Limbo” Laptop? Lab .PDF Network Server? Lab Excel Lab CSV Paper sheets Probe CSV Flash Drive? Depending on your situation you might next experience a sort of “data limbo” where there seems to be all sorts of data files, file types and formats, even paper field sheets and notebooks. Depending on your processes and mechanisms, it might seem like the data can be stored all over the place. (example of one group who contacted Gold Systems because they had put a thumb drive with all their data through the wash).
The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S.
Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census Etc. “Data Limbo” Lab .PDF Lab Excel Lab CSV Flashdrive Paper sheets Probe CSV Flash Drive? Laptop? Network Srvr? (Click through this slide)
The AWQMS Big Picture Local Information AWQMS All Your Data
Local Analysis Tools Local Data Verification Local Data QA/QC Local Decision Support Local Data Assessment Control what is sent to WQX and when it is sent Local Portal (Optional) The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S. Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census “Data Limbo” Lab .PDF Lab Excel Lab CSV Flashdrive Paper sheets Probe CSV So, that’s where AWQMS comes in. It gives you a single place where you can consolidate all your water quality related data, including Beach Notifications and Actions. It provides secure, concurrent access for multiple users. Everyone knows where the data is and there’s no confusion about which “copy” of the data is the latest. It’s your one-stop shop for local data management and analysis.
The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S.
Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census “Data Limbo” Lab .PDF Lab Excel Lab CSV Flashdrive Paper sheets Probe CSV Local Information AWQMS All Your Data Local Analysis Tools Local Data Verification Local Data QA/QC Local Decision Support Local Data Assessment Control what is sent to WQX and when it is sent Local Portal (Optnl.) (Click through this slide)
The AWQMS Big Picture Public Information WQX/STORET Water Quality
Portal (WQP) Only Public Data Public Analysis Tools Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S. Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census “Data Limbo” Lab .PDF Lab Excel Lab CSV Flashdrive Paper sheets Probe CSV Local Information Local AWQMS All Your Data Local Analysis Tools Local Data Verification Local Data QA/QC Local Decision Support Local Data Assessment Control what is sent to WQX and when it is sent Local Portal (Optnl.) When your data is declared to be finalized, AWQMS gives you a mechanism to flag data as “ready to send” to WQX for public use and access to the data. WQX, the STORET Data Warehouse, and the new Water Quality Portal are for public analysis of public data using public tools. Whereas, AWQMS helps you make sure your data is ready to go to WQX BEFORE the data is made public.
The AWQMS Big Picture Real World Grab S. Habitat As. Probe S.
Fish Census Benthic M.I. Census “Data Limbo” Lab .PDF Lab Excel Lab CSV Flashdrive Paper sheets Probe CSV Local Information AWQMS All Your Data Local Analysis Tools Local Data Verification Local Data QA/QC Local Decision Support Local Data Assessment Control what is sent to WQX and when it is sent Local Portal (Optnl.) Public Information WQX/STORET Water Quality Portal (WQP) Only Public Data Public Analysis Tools
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