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24-5: America Moves Toward War

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1 24-5: America Moves Toward War

2 Objectives Describe how the US response to the outbreak of war in Europe Describe the American response to the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor.

3 Big Questions As we discuss the steps the United States took to help its allies before going to war, think about the following: Did the United States abandon its neutrality too late? Should the United States have done more to help its allies in the early stages of the war, or did FDR make the right decisions?

4 1939: The Neutrality Act The Neutrality Act permitted nations to buy U.S. armaments as long as they paid cash and carried the goods away in their own ships Sometimes referred to as the Cash and Carry Act

5 Who were the Axis Powers? Japan Germany Italy
1940: 1. Axis powers form an alliance Congress creates the first “peace time” draft Who were the Axis Powers? Japan Germany Italy What did their alliance mean for the U.S? If the U.S. declared war on any of the Axis powers, it would have to fight a two-ocean war Draft registration Seattle, 1940

6 1941: The Lend-Lease Act The Lend-Lease Act allowed the president to lend or lease arms and supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the U.S

7 America Moves to War FDR Plans For War In the Atlantic Ocean…
…German U-Boats waged fierce attacks on British and American ships. U.S. was at undeclared naval war with Germany—“the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic.”

8 1941:Churchill and Roosevelt draft the Atlantic Charter
What pledges are contained in the charter? Britain and the U.S. would not seek territorial expansion Britain and the U.S. would not pursue territorial/border changes without consent of inhabitants Both would respect people’s rights to choose own form of government Both would promote free trade, and international cooperation Both would work to build a secure peace, work for disarmament of aggressor nations, and establish a “permanent system” of general security

9 1941: “A Declaration by the United Nations” is signed by the Allies
Who were the Allies: An alliance of 26 nations that had joined together to fight the Axis powers “Big Nations” include Britain, the USSR, and the USA Wartime poster for the United Nations, created in 1942 by the U.S. Office of War Information, showing the 26 members of the alliance.

10 1941:Japan takes over French military bases in Indochina
What did the U.S. do to protest Japan’s action? Punished Japan with a trade embargo Japan especially needed our oil. Japan invades China in 1937, marching into French Indochina by 1940 and taking over French military bases by 1941

11 December 7, 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
What did the attack do to the U.S. Pacific Fleet? The attack almost destroyed the entire Pacific fleet

12 U.S. declares war on Japan. Italy and Germany declare war on the U.S.
Why? Germany and Italy signed a mutual defense treaty with Japan- All agreed to come to each other’s aid in the event of an attack.

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