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Climate Change and New York City

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1 Climate Change and New York City
NDMS Science Climate Change and New York City

2 Do Now What do you need in order to make the best decisions?

3 The Public Policy Analyst - A Modeled Walkthrough
The Public Policy Analyst is a tool made up of about six steps. It helps you take a very close look at an issue by means of evidence. Let me model the PPA now with the issue of “littering.”

4 Define the Problem Littering is a social problem in our community (or nation, or world).

5 Gather the Evidence After studying the issue, and using reliable sources, I know that littering is a community problem because it lowers property values, affects the health of community members, and makes it more likely that other people will litter. I can cite my reliable sources.

6 Identify the Causes Some of the causes of littering near us are 1) poor community spirit, 2) not enough trash containers, 3) trash containers that are full, and 4) no penalty for littering.

7 Evaluate Existing Policy
It’s already a crime to litter in NYC. It is poorly enforced. In addition to that, several organizations have anti- littering campaigns. Some schools have active programs to reduce litter on school property. Those are good, but may only benefit the schools.

8 Develop Solutions 1) More enforcement of existing law, including training for traffic cops. 2) More garbage cans and pickup along heavy pedestrian areas. 3) Get celebrities to do anti-littering PSAs.

9 Select the Best Solution - Evaluate Effectiveness/Feasibility
I propose a 50% increase in the number of garbage cans in West Harlem. This will be a limited expense because the number of garbage runs will remain the same. I believe that it will be both effective (it will lower littering) and feasible (it’s not too expensive).

10 Now It’s Your Turn Now it’s time for you and your group to investigate your social problem (climate change) and its impact on NYC using the steps of the Public Policy Analyst.

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