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International Puzzle Day We are learning to write our own riddles

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Presentation on theme: "International Puzzle Day We are learning to write our own riddles"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Puzzle Day We are learning to write our own riddles

2 What am I?

3 What am I? What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive? What has to be broken before you can use it? What has a neck but no head?

4 What am I? I have lots to say but never speak.
I open but you cannot walk through me. I have a spine but no bones. .

5 What am I? I am warm but I'm not alive. When I get up in the morning I can be beautiful but please don't stare. I am shy and disappear at night. .

6 My favourite thing... backpack glitter pogo stick swing balloons
backpack glitter pogo stick swing balloons go-cart rockpool sword basketballs guitar pop-up book telescope beanbag harmonica prize television binoculars hat puddle temporary tattoo blanket den hairband puppet bling hobby horse racing car tent bike hot air balloon rainbow toy board game hula hoop robot train book icicle rocket trampoline bubble baths insect roller coaster treehouse bubbles kite roller skates walkie-talkies buried treasure lighthouse rubber band water slide button locked box sailing boat wellies car magic trick sand castle Whistles cartoon magnet seashell yo-yo castle marbles scooter zoo clay medal see-saw coins megaphone sequins computers mirror ball shoe box construction toy monster skateboard movie skeleton crayons mud skipping rope cuddly toy music slide cymbal necklace slime dandelion parachute snow dinosaur pebble snowman dollhouse phone sparklers drum picture book spider's web feather piggy bank water pistol fireworks pinecone stickers football plane stilts

7 Why don’t you...? Choose you favourite thing. Imagine you are that thing. What can you see? What can you feel? What do you do? What do you like? You can use sentences such as: · I look like… · I sound like… · You find me… · I have… · I am… · I feel…

8 When you write a riddle... Don’t use the thing's name. That would make it too easy! Keep your riddle short, no longer than eight lines. Remember: riddles don't have to rhyme. Test it on a friend and see how difficult they find it!

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