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December 6, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Review

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1 December 6, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Review NOTES #22: What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? CLASS ASSIGNMENT: “Causes of (the Russian) Revolution”

2 What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? Notes #22

3 The Russian Revolution was a political uprising that occurred in Russia in 1917 and led to the eventual rise of the Soviet Union.

4 Beginning in 1894, Russia was ruled by Czar Nicholas II under an absolute monarchy.

5 During the czar’s rule, his family, nobles, and priests lived well, while the Russian peasants lived in poverty.

6 After Russia lost the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, dissident groups began challenging the power of the czar. Bloody Sunday (1905)

7 In 1914, the czar entered Russia into World War I, which resulted in Russia suffering heavy military losses and shortages in food and fuel. Rasputin

8 These conditions helped cause the Russian Revolution, during which the Russian army and peasants revolted and forced the czar to step down.

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