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Parents/Guardians, Here is summer work (calendars) for your child to practice some of the skills they learned throughout the year. The activities should.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents/Guardians, Here is summer work (calendars) for your child to practice some of the skills they learned throughout the year. The activities should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents/Guardians, Here is summer work (calendars) for your child to practice some of the skills they learned throughout the year. The activities should be quick and simple, just complete the activity on the given date. I want your child to enjoy their summer break, but still retain information learned this past year. I also provided Fry Sight Word lists to continue to practice their sight words. Thanks for being involved and helping your child succeed!

2 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Practice sight words write 3 sentences using 2 sight words in each sentence practice tying your shoes 3 times say the ABC’s and the sounds of each letter Count to 50 Write/say 5 words that begin with sh and ch identify the ending sound for bat, fun, car, and mash Clean your room Make 4 words that start with these sounds ch, sh, th read a story & write a sentence about it read words from your sight word list write all uppercase & lowercase letters Write numbers 1-50 Read the words: sing, king, torn, mat, dad © Brittany Lynch, 2014

3 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
count & write by 10s to 100 say all the months of the year and days of the week 4+3 = = 5+5= = 2+8= = have someone read you a book (complete a 5 finger retell) write a story about your family (include a beginning, middle, and end) Read for 10 minutes Practice sight words write down all the vowels and say their sounds write a story about your school friends say the ABC’s with the sounds count by 5’s to 50 what number comes after 7__14__23__ What rhymes with? map, net, bug 8-3= 10-5= 12-6= 5-5= What number comes before _10 _23 _67 _99 write a story about your summer 10+5 = 16 +4= 12+2= 19+1= Read a story and write 2 sentences about it  Read the following words: glass, crab, mat, shop, drop count by 2’s to 20 say your address, phone #, & birthday read these nonsense words bif, laz, dep, suft, and blit Compare: 8 and 10 12 and 2 9 and 3 11 and 15 practice tying your shoes 3 times do your doubles addition facts (example: 2+2=, 3+3=) read words from the sight word list think and write words that start with: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr identify the beginning sound: pen, itch, kid, chop, think, shake Write your ABC’s Count to 75 © Brittany Lynch, 2014

4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Count to 100 Write your first, middle, and last name 3 times What rhymes with? top bun sit clean up your room count by 10’s to 100 write a story about your summer Have someone read you a story. (Complete a 5 finger retell) Read the words: Make, bake, hike, time, and bone mom, feet, me, clock, point, corn what comes before _14 _27 _62 read a story & write a sentence about it Pick 6 sight words and write a sentence for each 12-6= 10-5= 4-4= 7-5= Read for 10 minutes Read words on your sight word list What comes after: 55_ 89_ 99_ Sound out the words: ouch, sport, chick, sharp, and germ Clean your room Practicing tying your shoes 3 times Sound out the words: ground, kick, term, and farm Have someone read you a story (complete a 5 finger retell) Compare: 20 and 15 13 and 10 8 and 3 1 and 0 What is 10 more and 10 less than: 21, 45, 68, and 99 Double check you have everything on your school supply list  Go to bed early! First day of school  © Brittany Lynch, 2014

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