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Fiscal responsibility= (Fiscal= using $)

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal responsibility= (Fiscal= using $)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of financial responsibility (How to Be Smart with your $$) Objective 7.13

2 Fiscal responsibility= (Fiscal= using $)
Managing $ and making good financial choices

3 Making good financial choices NOW can determine your financial future
Making good financial choices NOW can determine your financial future. $$ is easy to spend and once it’s gone, it’s gone!! There are several tips you can follow to make sure you get the most from your $$

4 Tip#1: Make careful spending decisions
The first way to be responsible with your $$ is to spend carefully

5 Make careful spending decisions
Smart spenders avoid: Impulse spending Buying overpriced goods Unnecessary spending

6 The Price of a Cup of Coffee

7 Budget= tool to track income ($), expenses, and spending
Tip #2: Keep a budget Budget= tool to track income ($), expenses, and spending Benefits of keeping a budget: keep track of how you spend $$ shows how much $$ you have after paying expenses

8 Tip#3: Save and invest for the future
What expenses will you have in the future?? -car? -travel? -college? -apartment? -house? Put $$ aside NOW to pay for the FUTURE

9 Tip#3: Save and invest for the future
Save your money!!! Save a little to save a lot!! $20 a month=$240 a year 5yrs=$ yrs= yrs=3600

10 Tip#3: Save and invest for the future
Invest your money!!! Invest $$ into stocks, bonds etc. and watch it increase over time

11 Tip #4: Use credit wisely
Credit= Buying now, paying back later w/ interest Allows you to make purchases of things you cannot afford, pay back little each month

12 Tip #4: Use credit wisely

13 Tip #4: Use credit wisely
BEWARE!!! interest adds up Easy to fall behind on payments Bad credit can prevent important future purchases

14 Tip #4: Use credit wisely

15 Tip #5: Have insurance Insurance=
A plan to protect property and cover costs of major expenses EX- (Car, Medical, Home)

16 Tip #5: Have insurance Having insurance can protect you from having to pay LARGE expenses Ex- ER visit w/ insurance $100 ER visit w/o insurance $5,000

17 Tip #6: Understand Contracts and warranties
Certain products require you to sign a contract or enter a warranty agreement. These are LEGAL agreements between buyer and seller… Do You Know What You are Agreeing to??

18 Tip #6: Understand Contracts and warranties
Business agreement to guarantee certain terms are met Ex- 2yr contract on new phones, customer cannot cancel phone service

19 Tip #6: Understand Contracts and warranties
Warranty= Product protection plan, protects against buying bad products Ex- 50,000 mile warranty on a new car If car breaks before 50,000 miles, company will fix it!

20 Tip #6: Understand Contracts and warranties
NEVER sign or agree to something without reading EVERYTHING!! You will be required by law to follow the agreement!

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