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Lesson 8 A Universe of Thought.

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1 Lesson 8 A Universe of Thought

2 During his lifetime (一生), he thought about the universe. . Albert Einstein ( )

3 After he finished school, he went on to study physics in
Switzerland(瑞士). . Albert Einstein ( )

4 He received the Nobel Prize in 1921.
Albert Einstein ( )

5 Culture Tip The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most important award in the fields of literature, medicine, physics, chemistry and peace. It was established by the will of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in A sixth prize, for economics, was created in 1968. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer.

6 He left Germany in 1933 and went to teach at Princeton University in the US.
Albert Einstein ( )

7 He loved peace and hated nuclear weapons(核武器).
Albert Einstein ( )

8 Listen and circle the thing about Einstein that is NOT mentioned(提到) in the lesson.
Einstein’s hobbies Einstein’s sayings Einstein’s early years Einstein’s family Einstein, the teacher

9 Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.
*Einstein was born in _____________. *Einstein became a pioneer(先锋) in the field of (在……领域里) ________________________. *Einstein received ____________________. *Einstein went to ________ at Princeton University. *Einstein ________ in 1955. Germany modern physics the Noble Prize teach died

10 Listen and Repeat!

11 Read the lesson again and answer the questions.
1. What problems did Einstein solve (解决) during his lifetime? 2. What is Einstein most famous for? 3. In what countries did Einstein teach? 4. What did he ask people to do in his last letter? 5.Has anyone tried anything new if he has never made a mistake?

12 What problems did Einstein
solve during his lifetime? 2. What is Einstein most famous for? He solved many problems in physics. Theory of Relativity(相对论). Albert Einstein was one of the great minds of the last century. During his lifetime, Einstein thought about the universe and solved many problems in physics. Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.

13 3. In what countries did Einstein teach?
Switzerland, Germany and the United States. 4. What did he ask people to do in his last letter? He asked people to give up nuclear weapons. Einstein, the teacher Einstein taught at universities in Switzerland and Germany. He left Germany in 1933 and went to teach at Princeton University in the United States. Einstein died in He signed his last letter before he passed away. The letter asked people to give up nuclear weapons.

14 5.Has anyone tried anything new if he has never made a mistake?
No, he hasn’t. 一个从不犯错的人是永远不会尝试新事物的。 Einstein’s sayings “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” “I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion(结论) is false (错误的) . The hundredth time I am right.”

15 in the field of passed away solved pioneer went on to
solve pioneer pass away go on to in the field of in the field of 1. Our country is outstanding _____________ modern science. 2. I'm sorry to hear that your father _______________last night. 3. The boy was very excited when he _____ the crossword puzzle. 4. Lu Xun was a ________ of the May Fourth Movement. 5. He ___________ study for his master’s degree after he finished university. was passed away solved pioneer went on to


17 Work in groups: Talk about your favourite Nobel Prize winner.
Task tips: • When and where was he/she born? • What did he/she do? • What was he/she most famous for?

18 My Favourite Nobel Prize Winner
Writing: My Favourite Nobel Prize Winner Task tips: • When and where was he/she born? • What did he/she do? • What was he/she most famous for?

19 Homework: *Finish off the exercises in the lesson.
*Copy your passage on the exercise book.

20 Thank you! See you!

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