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Development of Information Grid

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1 Development of Information Grid
Jedsada Phengsuwan, Seksit Suwan, Sornthep Vannarat Computer Technology Research and Development Division (R-DC) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand

2 Agenda Overview of Information Grid Information Grid Architecture
Current status Conclusion

3 Overview Information Grid
Objective build frame work and infrastructure for integrating public information sources to support a problem solving environment Extended Distributed MetBroker idea Collaborative work between NECTEC, HAII (Thailand) and NARC (Japan) Homogeneous information sources Other products like IBM’s DB2II, Avaki Based on Web Services and Grid technology

4 Grid computing I want 6 compute nodes and 900 GB storage to run my jobs and stored the output. Submit Jobs operate

5 Information Grid Pictures from Dr. Matthew Laurenson, NARC, Japan
I want “rain” information to use for my specific application. Request for information operate I want 10 compute nodes and 900 GB storage to run my jobs and stored the output. Submit Jobs operate Pictures from Dr. Matthew Laurenson, NARC, Japan

6 Information Grid project
Virtualization of information sources Decoupling application and information sources Enable user access to any information, anywhere, over heterogeneous environment

7 Information Grid Architecture

8 Information Grid Architecture

9 Information Grid Architecture
Components Marker Directory Information Broker Discovery Service Standards Marker Description Language Information Grid Framework

10 FY2006 Goals Information Grid Infrastructure prototype
Demonstrate concept and idea of the Information Grid Consisting of 5 components Information Broker Information Source Discovery Services Marker Directory Services Information Grid Web Client Marker Description Language 1.0 (Draft) Use research databases (research project, researcher, and publication) as a pilot databases.

11 Information Grid client
HOME Search MDL (contact MarkerDirectoryService) call Information Grid Services HTML Result Select InformaitonBroker (contract Discovery Service) Select XSL (from Database) Specify Query condition (from MDL) MDL






17 Conclusion Information Grid is a solution for sharing information on grid environment It has 3 main components: Marker Directory Service Information Broker Discovery Service Defines standard called Marker Description Language (MDL) Based on Web Services technology and WSRF Be deployed GT4.0 Middleware (WS-Core) To running Information Grid based on grid infrastructure make its secure access to any information, anywhere, over heterogeneous environment.

18 Thank you 

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