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Game Engines Non-game specific technology Game: Engine

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Presentation on theme: "Game Engines Non-game specific technology Game: Engine"— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Engines Non-game specific technology Game: Engine
Assets (models, animations, sounds, AI, and physics) Code (AI, Scripting, etc.)

2 Game Engines: Rendering Pipeline
Application/Scene Scene database update/traversal Object/Camera Movement/Animation Visibility/LOD/Culling Geometry Transforms: Model/World/View Viewport & Backface Culling Triangles Scan-line conversion Rasterization Shading Texturing/Fog/Alpha Depth                                                                                                  

3 Game Engines: Shading Flat Vertex (Gouraud) Pixel (Phong) Light Maps
Programmable (Vertex & Pixel Shaders)                                                                                                  

4 Game Engines: Memory Management
Cache Thrashing Group Primitives by Textures? Hardware T&L Compression Card Memory Why isn’t 32 bit color (16.7M) enough? 1280x1024x12 (Front,Back,Z)= 15MB                                                                                                  

5 Game Engines 3D Engine 3D Languages Authoring System
Specialized Authoring (first or third person shooters)

6 Game Engines 3D Engine library of 3D graphics functions.
free, $50-$100 up to $250,000 for commercial use. Require programming with an external delevopment system, normally Microsoft Visual C++. maximum of flexibility maximum of experience, work and time required.

7 Game Engines 3D Languages
DirectX/OpenGL interface with a scripting language especially designed for 3D games Simpler than 'real' programming. Many based on Basic easy to learn not very well suited for large or complex games Alternatives: C- or Javascript-based languages.

8 Game Engines Authoring System 3D engine and a visual
very fast 'clicking together' a game prototype. only simple games can be created without any programming. scripting language for programming or customizing the game.

9 Game Engines Specialized FPS (first or third person shooters)
offer no or limited scripting. good alternative if you don't want to script and are not interested in publishing a game commercially.

10 Engine Considerations
Platforms Performance Data Rendering/Features Animation Physics & Environment Scripting Authoring I/O Save/Load

11 Performance Occlusion Culling LOD Adaptive NURBS/Patches
Cell Based: BSP tree, Portal, Octree Other: Potentially Visible Set, HOM LOD Adaptive NURBS/Patches Polygon Reduction Terrain Primitives

12 Data Import/Export 3D file formats Texture/Image Formats
X, 3DS, MDL, MD2, MAP, WAD Texture/Image Formats Models/Animations: Maya, 3D Studio MAX Levels WorldcraftT or MilkshapeT Plugins

13 Rendering Features OpenGL vs. DirectX Shadow Maps (Lightmaps) Shaders
DX6-9 OpenGL ,2.0 Shadow Maps (Lightmaps) Shaders Dynamic Shadows MIP Maps/Multi Maps/ Bump Mapping Effects

14 Animation Keyframe Bones (Skinning) Facial Animation Vertex Animation
Inverse Kinematics (IK) Dynamics High-level Authoring

15 Physics & Physical Environment
Visibility Collision Detection Terrain Following Gravity Physics Rigid & non-rigid bodies

16 Scripting Scripting languages add logic for controlling actors or objects Languages: Javascript Luo - Python Basic Custom:UnrealScript, C-Script, etc. Script Compilers for performance

17 Save/Load System allows the end user to save a complete game state.
'freezes' all running scripts and all objects and variables of the game and writes them into a file Without such a system: a script has to be written which stores the state of every variable and object and the position within every script function

18 Authoring/Editing Level Editor Model Editor Script Editor Terrain

19 Sample Engines Specialized Authoring (FPS, 3PS) 3DGM, RF Authoring
Quest, Radish, Virtools, Gamestudio/A6, Alice, Adobe Atmosphere, Blender 3D Languages Jamagic, DarkBASIC, Blitz 3D Engines TV3D, Irrlicht, Torque, Nebula, Crystal, Cipher, PR, Jupiter, Quake3, Unreal2 Standards-based Engines & Tools (VRML/X3D) Internet Scene Assembler, Cortona, Blaxxun,OpenWorlds, VizX3D

20 Game Engine Resources
(->Software->Development and ->Software->Graphics)

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