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Infrared Spectroscopy
10.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy overview of the infrared including measurement difficulties spectrometer throughput instead of a t f transform use an x transform introduction to the Michelson interferometer, and its behavior as an optical autocorrelator block diagram of an FTIR spectrometer, including details of mirror movement and controlling when the ADC takes data example far infrared spectrum of K2ReCl6 optical resolution including an example of gas-phase ammonia apodization to eliminate sinc function oscillations overall signal-to-noise enhancement that can be expected historic types of measurements that drove the development of FTIR 10.2 : 1/22
Overview of the Infrared
The highest frequency vibration is the H2 stretching motion which occurs at 4,160 cm-1. Although this transition is not infrared active (it is Raman active), ~4,000 cm-1 is usually taken to be the upper limit of the infrared. The lower limit is determined by instrumental considerations and is often near 50 cm-1. The mid infrared extends from 4,000 to 200 cm-1. This region is usually composed of characteristic bond frequencies or normal modes of molecules. The far infrared extends from 200 to 50 cm-1. This region is usually composed of characteristic metal bond frequencies, or normal modes of large molecules. The end of the range overlaps with high energy rotations. The resolution of spectra depends upon their use. Solution phase spectra are usually taken with bandwidths of 5-10 cm-1, while gas phase spectra of small molecules usually require a bandwidth of 0.1 cm-1. 10.2 : 2/22
Measurement Difficulties
infrared photons are difficult to distinguish from thermal noise, with the result that the measurement is detector noise limited PN = 4kTΔf for Δf = 1 Hz and T = 298 K PN = 828 cm-1 infrared transitions have very low molar absorptivities, ε ~ 1 L mol-1 cm-1, requiring high concentrations to obtain a reasonable level of absorption high resolution spectrometers have a very low optical throughput, which limits the signal-to-noise ratio of the absorption measurement the experiment would benefit enormously from multiplexed detection 10.2 : 3/22
Spectrometer Optical Throughput
The standard measure of optical collection efficiency is the f/# (pronounced f-number). An f/# is the focal length of a lens or mirror, divided by the diameter of the lens or mirror. Collection efficiency is inversely proportional to the square of the f/#. f/# percent A grating or prism bends different wavelengths at different angles. To obtain high resolution the wavelengths are separated by moving as far as possible away from the focusing lens or mirror. That is, long focal lengths are required. It is very difficult to construct a grating or prism monochromator with a low f/# because the size of the grating or prism would need to increase in proportion to the focal length. Large gratings and prisms are either impossible to manufacture or are very expensive. A typical f/# for a 0.1 cm-1 resolution grating spectrometer is 12, which is about a 0.05% throughput. 10.2 : 4/22
Impossibility of a t f Transform
To obtain an infrared spectrum via a Fourier transform, the signal would be recorded (digitized) as a function of time to obtain F(t). Then the spectrum would be computed using the following expression, This will not work in the infrared because the frequencies are too high. An infrared spectrum has frequencies from 1.2×1014 Hz (4,000 cm-1) to 6.0×1012 Hz (200 cm-1). The fastest electronic temporal resolution with commercial instrumentation is 7×10-12 s or ~ times too slow. 10.2 : 5/22
Possibility of an x Transform
Fortunately, an infrared wave can be written in an alternative form using distance and wave number, where = 1/l. The Fourier transform equation takes the same form, simply exchanging for f and x for t. It is numerically solved using the same computer program as that used for t to f transforms. The infrared spectral range from 4,000 cm-1 to 250 cm-1 corresponds to wavelengths of 2.5 mm to 40 mm. These lengths are easy to measure, all one has to do if figure out how to "stop" the wave from moving! 10.2 : 6/22
The Michelson Interferometer
light from an infrared source is collimated and directed to a beam splitter at the beam splitter, half is reflected toward the fixed mirror and half is transmitted toward the movable mirror when light reaches each mirror it is reflected back to the beam splitter at the beam splitter, half the light from the fixed mirror is reflected back to the source and half is transmitted to the detector at the beam splitter, half the light from the movable mirror is transmitted back to the source and half is reflected to the detector half the light reaches the detector, 0.25 from each path light of every wavelength is always traveling through the sample to the detector (multiplexed) an interferogram is obtained by moving the mirror and measuring the resultant intensity at the detector 10.2 : 7/22
Optical Autocorrelator (1)
Light traveling toward the detector can be described as the sum of two cosines, where x is the extra distance traveled by light along the path involving the movable mirror. moving the mirror a distance x/2 farther from the beam splitter delays light by the distance +x. the beam splitter divides intensity, not amplitude. Thus, 1/4 of the total photons reach the detector from each path. This corresponds to 1/2 the amplitude from each path. the detector responds to intensity, which is the square of the electric field. 10.2 : 8/22
Optical Autocorrelator (2)
Although the detector output is averaged as a function of time, determination of a functional form for the signal requires that integration be over distance. In the FTIR instrument the optical signal (square of the amplitude) is averaged for 100 ms or longer. This corresponds to averaging the waveform over a distance of x0 = 3104 meters. Expansion of the square yields three integrals. By letting x0 ∞, the first two integrals each reduce to 10.2 : 9/22
Optical Autocorrelator (3)
The third integral on the previous slide is the autocorrelation function, where Fourier transforms were used to evaluate the integral. The detector output is then given by C1,1(x) plus the dc offset. As the mirror is moved, the output of the detector will be an offset cosine. Each individual wavelength of light will have its own offset cosine. These offset cosines are added together in the detector output. As the mirror is moved the output of the detector is digitized with sufficient resolution to reproduce all optical wavelengths. After collecting the data a Fourier transform is computed to extract the spectrum - amplitude versus . 10.2 : 10/22
Instrument Block Diagram
source/aperture the aperture controls the maximum possible resolution optical filters minimize aliasing of non-infrared radiation sample chamber has a sample and reference so that transmission can be computed the collimated white light source is used to align the sample and reference with the infrared beam detector output is electronically amplified electronically low pass filtered digitized at specified mirror displacements from zero 10.2 : 11/22
Mirror Movement & Data Collection
mirror design supported by a near frictionless air bearing driven back and forth by an electromagnetic solenoid the range of motion is determined by two light emitting diode/photodiode pairs when the position paddle interrupts the travel transducers, the polarity of the electromagnet is changed and the mirror travel direction changes zero delay is about where the "position paddle" is shown 10.2 : 12/22
Measuring x zero delay determination
determined by white light and a visible interferometer constructed on the backside of the moving mirror the interferogram of white light is a "spike" when the delay is zero an electronic circuit monitoring the output of the white light photodiode can easily detect this spike the fixed visible mirror is factory adjusted so that zero delay with the white light beam corresponds to zero delay with the infrared beam in the infrared interferometer distance determination distance is measured by single frequency light from a He:Ne laser the wavelength of the laser is mm, meaning that the output of the photodiode is an offset cosine with a maximum every mm the analog-to-digital converter is set so that it only takes data whenever the He:Ne cosine is at a maximum 10.2 : 13/22
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
mirror velocity since the velocity of the mirror can be experimentally controlled, the apparent frequency of the cosine can be controlled to match the speed of the detector electronics in this instrument the mirror velocity is adjusted to make the He:Ne laser produce a 5 kHz cosine at the detector the highest un-aliased frequency that can be measured by sampling every peak of the cosine is 15,802/2 = 7,901 cm-1 the spectrum then appears at frequencies from 2.5 kHz to dc under sampling since the upper end of the infrared spectrum is near 4,000 cm-1, lower digitizing rates can be used - this is called under sampling for the far infrared the data will be under sampled by 16 to produce a highest optical frequency of cm-1 corresponding to a 313 Hz for a fixed resolution, under sampling decreases the size of the data set that needs to be numerically processed under sampling permits the use of low pass filters with lower f3dB frequencies, thus a better SNR 10.2 : 14/22
Example Data: Infrared Source
The two figures below show the source (reference) interferogram (distance vs. amplitude) and the spectrum (frequency vs. amplitude). 10.2 : 15/22
Example Data: K2ReCl6 The three figures below show the sample interferogram, the sample intensity, and the sample transmission. The very sharp line at ~375 cm-1 is aliasing of an electric interference. The 330 cm-1 band is the Re-Cl stretch and the 180 cm-1 band is a Cl-Re-Cl bend. The peak at 80 cm-1 is an artifact due to low source intensity. 10.2 : 16/22
Optical Resolution Consider a cosine signal. The process of digitizing the interferogram involves starting and stopping, thus the cosine is multiplied by a rectangle with width x0. The result is convolution by a sinc function (with 0 = 1/x0 ). 8 4 2 1 0.1 x0 (cm) 0.125 0.25 0.5 10 mirror (cm) 0.0625 5 The spectral resolution (bandpass) depends only upon how far the mirror is moved! 10.2 : 17/22
Gas-Phase Ammonia Spectrum (1)
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Gas-Phase Ammonia Spectrum (2)
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Apodization effect of abruptly starting and stopping the mirror movement the process of starting and stopping the digitization of the cosine produces a spectrum convolved with a sinc function a sinc function is said to have "feet," and the feet often make spectral interpretation difficult apodization is literally "no feet making," and involves multiplication of the collected data by some function other than a rectangle apodization functions when computers were slow and had little memory, simple functions were used for apodization, i.e. trapezoid and triangle with modern computers any desirable function can be used, e.g. Gaussian or exponential note that apodization will decrease resolution via convolution with the spectral peaks 10.2 : 20/22
Signal-to-Noise Enhancement
multiplexing (Fellgett advantage) 0.1 cm-1 resolution: decrease in measurement time: increase in SNR: 5 cm-1 resolution optical throughput (Jacquinot advantage) 0.1 cm-1 resolution scanning f/# = ~12 for ~0.05% throughput interferometer f/# = ~1 for ~6.2% throughput result = ×124 more light reaches the detector scanning f/# = ~5 for 0.25% throughput result = ×25 more light reaches the detector sum of the two advantages 0.1 cm-1 resolution = ×21,824 5 cm-1 resolution = ×625 10.2 : 21/22
Original Drivers for FTIR
low concentrations (large amount of light on the detector, allows precise measurement of transmission) high resolution spectra (large mirror movement) unstable or transient species (fast measurement time) gas chromatography detector (fast measurement time) mixture spectra using Beer's Law (a precise transmission allows a precise absorption) far infrared spectra (interferometer instead of grating - tough to rule appropriate gratings) high sample throughput (fast measurement time) 10.2 : 22/22
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