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Forms and Expressions of Prayer

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1 Forms and Expressions of Prayer
Bonus: Sacramentals

2 Adoration Contrition Thanksgiving Supplication 4 Forms of Prayer
*Adoration is the highest form of prayer *Contrition is a prerequisite for righteous and pure prayer. (¶2631) * Eucharist: “In all circumstances give thanks…” - 1 Thes 5:18 *Ask, beseech, plead, invoke, cry out (¶2629) Intercession: asking on behalf of another. 2

3 Expressions of Prayer Vocal – simple conversation with God
Meditation – prayer of understanding Understanding God’s will and how to live out your life. More discipline needed. Contemplation – prayer of resting in God’s presence No words are necessary 3

4 Expressions of Prayer Vocal Meditation Contemplation Level of Intimacy
No one can just jump into contemplation. You need to build on the first types of prayer in order to reach contemplation. And you cannot stay at any one of the levels at all times. 4

5 Sacramentals Definition: sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments which… 1. prepare us to receive sacraments 2. make occasions of life holy 3. always include a prayer, often with a specific sign 5

6 Sacramentals… are not necessary for salvation
can lead to a deeper devotion to God give us an extra “push” toward heaven “There is scarcely any proper use of material things which cannot be thus directed toward the sanctification of men and the praise of God.” –CCC 1670 6

7 Types Exorcisms Objects of Devotion Blessings 7

8 Types Exorcisms Simple exorcism vs. major exorcism
The former is used in baptism and strengthens us against the powers of evil The latter is rare but used to release a person from possession. Psychological illness must be ruled out first since a psychological illness is a disease that has its own method of treatment. 8

9 Types Blessings Persons Meals Places Objects Includes consecrations
Places of pilgrimage, shrines, cemeteries Objects Ashes: a reminder of death and sin on Ash Wednesday Incense: burning=zeal, fragrance=sweet smell of virtue, smoke=prayers rising to heaven 9

10 Types Objects of Devotion
Ashes: a reminder of death and sin on Ash Wednesday Incense: burning=zeal, fragrance=sweet smell of virtue, smoke=prayers rising to heaven 10

11 Types Objects (continued) Bells: a reminder to pray
Candles: altar candles, sanctuary lamp, Easter candle, votive lights Scapular Medals Crucifixes Palms: Palm Sunday and used in Easter Vigil fire for ashes the next year 11

12 Types Objects (continued) Images: statues, icons Rosaries Holy water
Sign of the Cross Relics* 12

13 Types Blessings Persons Meals Places Includes consecrations
Places of pilgrimage, shrines, cemeteries 13

14 Relics 3 Classes include:
First class= are the bodies of saintly persons or any of their parts, such as limbs, ashes, and bones. Second class= are objects that have come in physical contact with living Saints and are thereby sanctified. These would include clothing, tools, and personal items. Third class=are swatches of cloth, holy card or medals that have been touched to a 1st or 2nd class relic. 14

15 Sacrilege Definition: disrespect for sacred persons, places, or things

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