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WORD CHOICE Also, women are presented as mothers more than men as fathers because a maternal role is more acknowledgeable for women in society. A difference.

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Presentation on theme: "WORD CHOICE Also, women are presented as mothers more than men as fathers because a maternal role is more acknowledgeable for women in society. A difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORD CHOICE Also, women are presented as mothers more than men as fathers because a maternal role is more acknowledgeable for women in society. A difference I found is that men are shown to be more active, more powerful in the outside world, and less personal, when women are shown to be more subtle, and are seen as objects.

2 DANGLING MODIFIER Unlike the women’s magazine the product in this advertisement is not the first thing a person would notice being that it is small and located at the very bottom of the page.

3 SENTENCE COMBINING The sports players are depicted in action and in glorious poses. The men in the pictures are seen as strong and tough. This is also held true in the advertisements. Men are featured in strong poses that show their intensity.

4 Yet when you look at the bottle which contains the fragrance it looks almost like a bullet. This could stand for strength, power, and speed. With all these men could associate with this product and want to purchase it.

5 STRONG VERBS Within today’s society ads for various products are sold based on how well they can represent the product. Two specific magazines are compared to notice these differences.

6 PRONOUNS: Be specific In men’s magazines they tend to leave little to the imagination because of their “show all” policy. With female products they use the female body in anyway possible to show that it makes you prettier and with male products they try to sell the product itself without using the male body as an object.

7 As we look through a magazine, they show all sorts of articles, pictures, and ads that can relate to the targeted reader. The slogan tries to create the idea that by wearing this brand of crystals, it will suddenly make them more attractive.

8 PRONOUNS: AGREEMENT Male readers see these pictures of these ultra cool guys with hot girls and it influences them to imitate them so that they can be cool and get girls. 

9 Ads and magazines can provoke the feminine race to adapt to societal standards and conform to an ideal image. It also devalues the character of a female by labeling the female gender as sex symbols.

10 PARALLEL STRUCTURE In the women’s magazine you have advertisements and articles centered on a range of topics starting with hair and make-up products, artists interviews, and fashion shoots, more cosmetics, more fashion, the home and family, and ending with a bombardment of health and food ads towards the back.

11 For example, on the cover of the men’s magazine that I chose there are articles that talk about ways to becoming the perfect gentleman, and Americas favorite virgin.

Just from the covers the editor’s show how women are shown as sex objects and tells women that sex and pleasing a man is the most crucial thing about them. Readers do realize that not everything they see or read in magazines relate to their lives.

The women with the skinny body and natural face, and the men with the big, muscular body. This is certainly not the only article in the magazine other articles are about football, baseball, and various other sports.

14 These poses don’t even show off the clothes they are selling very well in the example of the Valentino ad the viewer has to turn the magazine upside down to clearly see the dress.

Since the beginning of time both men’s magazines and women’s magazines have competed for the attention of readers and subscribers.

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