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Blood Chapter 18.

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1 Blood Chapter 18


3 Composition of Blood Plasma < 55% Erythrocytes < 45%
Leukocytes and Platelets < 1%

4 Functions of Blood Deliver Oxygen and Nutrients
Transport Metabolic Waste Transport Hormones Maintain Body Temperature Maintain Body pH Maintain fluid volume in circulatory system

5 Functions of Blood Prevents Blood Loss (platelets)
Prevents Infection (Antibodies)

6 Composition and Function of Blood
Plasma Straw colored, sticky

7 Composition and Function of Blood

8 Composition and Function of Blood
Erythrocytes – Red blood cells (RBCs) Biconcave discs No nucleus

9 Composition and Function of Blood
Made up of Hemoglobin and Water and Fibrous Protein, Spectrin, which allows for shape change

10 Composition and Function of Blood
Job is to pick up and deliver oxygen/nutrients to body cells Also transport Carbon Dioxide back to Lungs

11 Composition & Function of Blood
A single RBC contains about 250 million hemoglobin molecules Each cell carries about 1 billion molecules of Oxygen

12 Composition & Function of Blood
Oxyhemoglobin = Heme + O2 Deoxyhemoglobin = Heme - O2 Carbaminohemoglobin = Heme + CO2

13 Composition & Function of Blood
RBCs life span is days


15 Composition & Function of Blood
Leukocytes (WBC) include: Granular – Neutrophils; eat bacteria Eosinophils; kill parasitic worms Basophils; release histamines

16 Composition & Function of Blood
Agranular – Lymphocytes; immune attack Monocytes (MACs); phagocytosis

17 Composition & Function of Blood
Diapedesis – Ability of WBCs to slip through blood vessels

18 Composition & Function of Blood
Platelets – Blood Clotting Large shaped cells Also called Thrombocytes

19 Blood Types A Blood – Anti-B B Blood – Anti-A AB Blood – None
O – Anti-A and B


21 Blood Types Rh Factors – 8 Different
Most common, D, occurs in 85 % of Americans (+) See pages 649 Coagulation – thickening Agglutination - clumping

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