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Enterprise Productivity Services
Deep Dive Practice Overview
Immersive Experience based
Vision 2020 Cognitive Enabled ` Modern Enterprise PlatForge Wisdomania Synergistics Intelliforce Transforming Enterprise Digital Workplace Cognitive Enablement Wisdom based Search based Speech & Audio based Immersive Experience based Vision & Gesture based Enterprise Productivity Services [EPS] is platform to deliver a complete ecosystem for modern enterprises with facility of various next generation functions to keep the enterprise on transformation path helping them to be ahead of competition all the time. EPS Practice works on innovative solutions to enable HCL customers and prospects with such transformation. PlatForge Cloud being the trending future destination for enterprise apps and contents, this service line enables movement from Legacy and On Premise towards Modern Cloud from strategic, tactical and operational point of view Wisdomania Enterprise Wisdom is the critical asset for an enterprise to retain and improve its core values towards quality output for its customers, hence this service line drives Knowledge Discovery actions to next dimension Intelliforce Workforce, covering employees, partners and vendors, when empowered can win any challenge in business and hence their empowerment is essential through enablement, engagement and excitement by this service line Synergistics Interactions and Communications amongst individuals and groups within an enterprise in Cognitive Ambience Enabler While consumerism prevail in enterprise, automation become important and Cognitive approach cannot be ignored to satisfy workforce needs where this module curves out unique solution towards that goal
Coverage Employee Experience Continuum Ever changing and dynamic
On the go Collaboration Services Mobile Collaboration, BYOD, Wearable Sensors to increase the intelligence gathering Robotics, Automation One to One Employee Engagement For better Workforce Connectivity Easy management of appraisal process, training etc. Timesheet Management Employee trust driven from transparency Era of Conversational Office Social Collaboration, Virtual Meetings Persona based news feeds Data Driven Employee Management Workforce Analytics and Planning Talent retention Total Talent development Digital Productivity Platform Slack to improve productivity Contextual Content Delivery Agile Delivery Innovation and Factory models
Differentiators Design Thinking Cognitive driven Smart Enterprise
Workforce Involvement driven Approach Measurement driven Maturity Control End-to-End Workforce Journey Coverage Productized Approach to Problems
850+ 300+ 100+ Statistics Headcount Experience 20+Yrs 3500+PY
Engagements 300+ Customers 100+
Journey Enterprise Productivity Services
Enterprise Content Management Enterprise Content Management Offerings primarily in the area of Document Management, Workflow, Sites & Sub sites etc. on disparate platforms like Documentum, FileNet, WebSphere, Oracle CM etc. Enterprise Collaboration Service Collaboration and Social being a couple of key business trends, ECS evolves as a technology agnostics Strategic and MS Stack based Operational offerings. Enterprise Productivity Services Collaboration along with Digitalization, Cognitive/AI, Analytics and recent trend of App based culture extended as Productivity agent for Workforce and other Workplace elements 2002 2013 2015 and many more …
Relationships Key Clientele Partners & Close Product Vendors
Service Portfolio PlatForge IntelliForce WisdoMania Synergistics
Service Line to Modernize the Enterprise Platform from Legacy IntelliForce Service Line to transform Workforce into an Intelligent one WisdoMania Service Line to address all Enterprise Wisdom related needs Synergistics Service Line to push Enterprise Synergies to next dimension
Service Line to Modernize the Enterprise Platform from Legacy
Service Line 1 – PlatForge Legacy Migration to SharePoint Migration Suite to migrate Legacy contents and applications to SharePoint, most popular being Lotus Notes to SharePoint Online Migration PlatForge Service Line to Modernize the Enterprise Platform from Legacy File Migration to Cloud Migration Suite to migrate on-premise File System to disparate Cloud stores including One Drive, Google Docs, Dropbox, Box and SharePoint Online Enterprises are having their legacy systems holding huge volume of used and unused data. And they essentially need to move that huge dataset to a modern container while transforming themselves to a Digital Enterprise. As part of this modernization, there would be need of strategic guidance as well as implementation support in terms of offering accelerators or a full platform in some cases. Migration of Application(s) and Data are also an eventual part of such modernization. SharePoint Modernization Migration Suite to migrate Legacy SharePoint e.g. MOSS 2007, SP 2010 to Latest SharePoint SP 2013, SP 2016 and SP Online SharePoint Implementation Framework Thorough implementation guidance for SharePoint roll out through 400+ artifacts including process docs, guidelines, checklists, templates etc.
Service Line to transform Workforce into an Intelligent one
Service Line 2 – IntelliForce Work Partnership Leveraging the power of Automation to operate enterprise wise as Assistant, Advisor and Actor improving productivity and utilization of skilled workforce IntelliForce Service Line to transform Workforce into an Intelligent one Enterprise Avatar Micro-Digitalization of Enterprise Objects through Twin formation towards Fast and Precise output reducing troubleshooting duration and expense Workforce or people are the main strength or focus area for an enterprise to perform efficiently. Hence evolution of workforce, which includes employees, vendors, partners, agents and some customers too, towards enhanced intelligence is the need of the time to ensure digital transformation within organization. Intelligent Workforce is not only important for digital transformation, also very much required for being competitive with respect to cognitive drive in enterprise. There are few product tracks as well from HCL EP product line which supports this offering. Smart Learning Bringing Smartness into Enterprise Learning bringing intelligent Learning experiences to workforce boosting their productivity Smart Information Services Handling Content and Information in a smarter way to store, manage, share and deliver the same in a more meaningful way with respect to individuals
Service Line to address all Enterprise Wisdom related needs
Service Line 3 – WisdoMania Wisdom Modernization Transformational Wisdom Management including focus to Tacit wisdom ensuring no leakage in enterprise wisdom despite diverse workplace ambience WisdoMania Service Line to address all Enterprise Wisdom related needs Smart Learning Raising Learning pace, quality and utilization through Atomic and Immersive Learning mechanisms improving wisdom absorption efficiency significantly Enterprise Wisdom is a very critical segment in the enterprise productivity related services. It deals with any kind of Knowledge Exchange or Knowledge Management related services for an end-to-end Wisdom ecosystem implementation in any enterprise. Wisdom management is closely aligned with Enterprise Learning too. Enterprise Networking Leveraging people to people and people to organization networking to build and share the enterprise wisdom across workforce Smart Information Services Handling Wisdom in a smarter way to store, manage, share and deliver the same in a more meaningful way with respect to individuals
Service Line to push Enterprise Synergies to next dimension
Service Line 4 – Synergistics Enterprise Networking Enabling Collaboration through workplace networking, social, influence measurement, virtual collaboration etc. improving organizational alignment Synergistics Service Line to push Enterprise Synergies to next dimension Intelligent Business System Making machine intelligence and analytics support available to business processes enabling predictability and automation around processes All services related to Collaboration, Engagement, Networking, Process Improvement, IOT falls under Synergistics Services. For improved Productivity in the enterprise, collaboration and networking is the starting point which gets further improved with intelligent business processes and in involvement of device or sensor data. Any services related to such areas of modernization are addressed by this Synergistics service line. Enterprise Things Sensor guided Enterprise IOT focused utilities pushing device driven neural computing towards better data collection for proactive and reactive actions
Product Portfolio eUnomia Suite is a bundle of strategic frameworks & governance tools to guide enterprise and its users to strategize critical ecosystems like collaboration, wisdom management, digital transformation and beyond. EmpFinesseTM Suite is a bouquet of offerings for the Enterprise, enabling internal Transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy under flexible, yet robust, Governance with help from Fundamental Transformational Solutions.
delivery to Enterprise
Product Line 1 – EmpFinesse Why EmpFinesseTM? EmpFinesseTM provides an agile, lean, service-oriented, innovative digital experience to the workforce while meeting and exceeding the demands of a 21st CE enterprise EmpFinesseTM offers Experience-Centric work partnership, end-to-end knowledge transformation and learning enablement (prevent knowledge leakage) facilitated by machine guidance, intelligence and automation to achieve this vision Core Elements Nudge > Workforce-Machine Partnership to facilitate task automation and Digital Simulation of enterprise process/ asset to enable planning, designing and troubleshooting of core business work streams Galatea > Smart Differentiated learning coupled with Enterprise Wisdom Modernization and Information services to ensure skill development, adoption, leverage Tacit Wisdom, trigger Innovation and enable information management and orchestration Sympatico > Multi-variant Networking to improve productivity and proactive incident management with data feed from sensors across Enterprise devices and Incorporation of Machine Intelligence in enterprise business systems and processes to improve precision and accuracy of all actions Infinite Experience delivery to Enterprise EmpFinesseTM enables Transformation of the Enterprise Workforce by offering a bouquet of capabilities that deliver a well-governed and rich Experience to the workforce. EmpFinesseTM unveils the infinite potential of extraordinary eXperience to the users within an enterprise through its various components, solutions and services. EmpFinesse delivers unique experience and accelerated synergy side by side in modern enterprise through its modules called Nudge, Galatea and Sympatico. EmpFinesseTM also offers a platform which hosts all its components and can be exposed directly as basis of any external cognitive app following defined specifications. Key Features Flexible, multi-channel, location / device agnostic interface that connects diverse stakeholders spanning across the workforce and consumer spectrum Workforce Digitalization leveraging advanced discovery, collaboration, content management, device orientation with cognitive capabilities Empowerment of end users reducing IT engagement and enhancing overall productivity of ecosystem Value Proposition EmpFinesseTM brings people and devices together with: Enhanced Anytime Anywhere Digital Experience to the workforce by simplifying and automating BAU tasks Synergy across People, Content, Data & Devices leveraging best practices & diverse experience for the workforce Cultivation of Enterprise Knowledge and Productivity rationalization through Machine Guidance and Automation Robust Governance to control Digital Dementia
Strategic guidance to Optimal Governance
Product Line 2 – eUnomia Why eUnomia? eUnomia provides a robust strategy and governance plan for collaboration, wisdom management and digital transformation journey of an enterprise in the most objective way covering 5W1H aspects of such transformations eUnomia aligns the strategy with latest cutting edge technology trends and practices followed by a proven but customized governance plan & design ensuring not only a smooth implementation but also a smoother adoption Strategic guidance to Optimal Governance eUnomia enables Transformation of the Enterprise Workforce by strategizing Transformation through Collaborative Ambience, Wisdom Ecosystem and Digital Journey eUnomia follows an objective POV towards soft areas like collaboration, wisdom, digitalization etc. by applying quantitative approach through use of predefined algorithms. The strategy journey covers discovery, assessment, design, roadmap definition, returns of investment determination and execution around Governance of various processes like Collaboration, Wisdom Management, Digital Transformation etc. Open but controlled operations delivering a well managed ecosystem is the focus area where some tools also help which are offered by eUnomia. Core Elements Collaboration Adoption Framework [CAF] > Analyses enterprise Pains and Needs to determine relative Collaboration Maturity of enterprise and guides with optimal Blue Print, Roadmap and ROI projection Enterprise Wisdom Management Framework [EWMF] > Analyses enterprise wisdom management parameters to strategize Wisdom Ecosystem in the enterprise including Governance, Community Model, Operating Model, appropriate Metrics etc. Digital Enterprise Maturity Framework [DEMF] > Analyses digital workplace variables to compute Digital Maturity of an enterprise followed by recommendations towards optimal path towards the transformation to Digital Workplace Factory Governance > A bundle of governance utilities to facilitate optimal collaboration or wisdom or digital ambience in the enterprise through onboarding, automating, community-culture and monitoring Key Features Analysis of Collaboration State and Parameters to draw out right Strategic Roadmap with ROI projection for transforming enterprise though quantified approach and right fit adoption guideline End-to-end coverage for complete strategic journey around Learning & Wisdom Management within enterprise Guided transformation of an enterprise to Digital Workplace through Maturity determination by means of quantitative approach Value Proposition eUnomia brings Strategy and Governance together with: Completely Quantitative approach making output immensely Objective End-to-end coverage to any space – Collaboration, Wisdom Management, Digital Workplace Focus on all corners of Strategy i.e. Why – What – When – Where – Who – How and also the financial aspects
Additional Utilities NotesPoint Suite is a solution to migrate Legacy Applications (Lotus Notes etc.) and Contents to SharePoint platform through a capability based transformational approach using various home grown tools like Application Disposition Tool, Pre Migration Assessment Tool etc. Unique Features Archetype based approach Stage by stage execution with maturity gain of each capability at stage end Multiple sprints within stage focusing on a specific core/business capability Migration of Security, Web Pages, Bulk app and content from Lotus Notes unlike traditional Migration utilities Approach Multistage migration methodology with stages – Discovery, Planning, Preparation, Migration, Verification and Validation, Cut Over Suite includes tools, process flow, estimation techniques and implementation solutions Value Delivery Business Benefits Integrated Suite having several Tools Can migrate Lotus Notes Web pages Migration engaging diverse Roles Technical Benefits Can handle Bulk Lotus Notes DB Automated Metadata mapping Manual Intervention less backend Migration job processing File-O-Cloud is a multi facade end-to-end solution to migrate files from on premise file share to One Drive, BOX, SharePoint Online, Dropbox and Google Drive including Migration Discovery, Pre-Migration Analysis, File Disposition Engine, Migration Design, Migration Planning, Migration Execution, V&V and Adoption. Unique Features Choice of 5 different Target Storage Dedicated Configuration / Admin console for Power Users Step by Step Migration In built Audit and Monitoring Approach Multistage migration methodology with stages – Discovery, Analysis, Disposition, Planning, Design, Environment Setup, Migration, Verification and Validation Suite includes tools, process flow, estimation techniques and implementation solutions Value Delivery Lowest Capex and Opex Best Migration Efficiency Flexible Capacity Anytime Anywhere Access Accommodates multiple Cloud Storage Minimal Human Dependency
Intellectual Properties
EmpFinesse Suite A bouquet of digital, cognitive, collaborative and analytic utilities transforming enterprise with extra ordinary experience and synergy File-O-Cloud A multi facade end-to-end solution to migrate files from on premise file share to One Drive, BOX, SharePoint Online, Dropbox and Google Drive including Migration Discovery, Pre-Migration Analysis, File Disposition Engine, Migration Design, Migration Planning, Migration Execution, V&V and Adoption. Collaboration Adoption Framework A Framework to analyze Collaboration State and Parameters to draw out right Strategic Roadmap with ROI projection for transforming enterprise though quantified approach and right fit adoption guideline NotesPoint Migration Suite A solution to migrate Legacy Applications (Lotus Notes etc.) and Contents to SharePoint platform through a capability based transformational approach using various home grown tools like Application Disposition Tool, Pre Migration Assessment Tool etc. Enterprise Wisdom Management Framework An end-to-end framework to cover a complete strategic journey around Learning and Wisdom Management within an enterprise through dedicated service areas Enterprise Framework for Gamification A framework to guide and implementation of Gamification driven solutions for enterprises using appropriate game design, gamification tool choice and game adoption planning Digital Enterprise Maturity Framework A framework to guided transformation of an enterprise to Digital Workplace through Maturity determination by means of quantitative approach towards digital parameters
Reusable Assets Top Accelerators
100+ Accelerators built in-house for several SharePoint related solutions Top Accelerators Access Management Dashboard Farm Inventory Reporter Cascading Dropdown Help Management Console SharePoint Object Creator Pre Migration Analyzer Mega Menu Navigation SharePoint Risk Heat Map Professional Mapper Channel Maker Information Architecture Designer Quota Monitor Upgrade Metadata Script SharePoint Item Attachment Extraction Content Web part Details Inventory of SharePoint Farm Post Migration Remediation Script Toggle Info
Top Recent Experiences
Strategic Knowledge Exchange Transformation at one of the World’s large US based Insurance Organizations Strategize the right Governance model for the optimal exchange of knowledge and wisdom in the enterprise Reducing the GTM time from 120 days to 45 days for underwriting a policy for release in GEO market Defining end-to-end all aspects of Governance answering all 5W1H (What-Why-Who-When-Where-How) questions around Knowledge Exchange Design of various communities, processes and metrics to impose a quantitative way of managing this Knowledge organization at the enterprise level Designing the Target Operating Model for the Knowledge Exchange to operate seamlessly Next Generation Workplace building in a Top Toy Manufacturer of Europe Enterprise Ecosystem Optimization in US based Pharmaceutical Giant Digitalization roll out for the Enterprise Portals and Apps in the organization Migration to cloud to minimize the Data Centre overhead and dependency on enterprise connectivity Exhaustive implementation of service base to cater to the desired functions in the most flexible way Next generation User Experience delivery with unique approach Single point of entry for 100+ operations in the enterprise Broader GEO reach with support for 19+ languages Addressing Workforce on-the-Go use cases rigorously Strong drive to prevent leakage of enterprise wisdom Extensive usage of enterprise social covering Global Communication, Professional Networking and Employee Connect In-Air Information Serving for an Airlines in Middle East Critical Airport and Airline information delivered in-Air to increase speed of operation for travelers Mobile solution with intuitive experience delivery Workplace Transformation at one of the World’s largest Development Banks Roadmap and Returns of Investment was derived based on the ecosystem in the knowledge management department of this financial organization Transformational ideas like Tacit knowledge codification was suggested and guided the customer on those areas Integrating BPM system with collaboration for seam less work ambience Transformation in User Experience design to cater to entry of diverse devices in the ecosystem Intranet revamp and consolidation for USA’s largest Beverage Manufacturer Intranet Consolidation with all internal processes collated through a portal Inclusion of Vendor and Suppliers in the ecosystem delivering automation Planning for movement to Cloud
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