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AP COGO UNIT 1 Trivia Review

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1 AP COGO UNIT 1 Trivia Review

2 Round 1: Sovereignty, Authority, & Power

3 Round 1: Question 1 QUESTION: Term for a population with common historical, ethnic, linguistic and/or religious bonds ANSWER: nation

4 Round 1: Question 2 QUESTION: States ability to carry out actions/policies within their borders independently without interference ANSWER: sovereignty

5 Round 1: Question 3 QUESTION: Give an example of a regime change
ANSWER: Must be a change in the political system of the state (ex. Democratic to authoritarian)

6 Round 1: Question 4 QUESTION: Define legitimacy
ANSWER: Citizen’s acceptance of a government’s right to rule

7 Round 1: Question 5 QUESTION: Identify two differences between a democratic and an authoritarian regime ANSWER: may relate to…civil liberties, rule of law, elections/political parties

8 Round 2: Political Institutions

9 Round 2: Question 1 QUESTION: Identify the AP6 countries with a unitary government ANSWER: Unitary – UK, Iran, China

10 Round 2: Question 2 QUESTION: Describe the difference between a unitary and a federal form of govt ANSWER: Unitary = all policymaking powers in one place (central govt) Federal = power divided between central govt and subunits; regional bodies have significant powers

11 Round 2: Question 3 QUESTION: Give one reason that a unitary govt may devolve power ANSWER: Ethnic, economic or spatial forces

12 Round 2: Question 4 QUESTION: Identify one political institution and describe its role ANSWER: Ex, Leg, Jud, Bureaucracies, Electoral Systems

13 Round 2: Question 5 QUESTION: Explain the difference between the role of the head of state and head of govt ANSWER: Head of State – mostly symbolic; may or may not have power Head of Govt – carries out day to day activities of govt

14 Round 2: Question 6 QUESTION: Explain one difference between a parliamentary and presidential democracy ANSWER: Fusion of powers vs separation of powers; head of gov’t picked by MP vs head of gov’t directly elected; cabinet = leaders of majority party vs cabinet picked by pres

15 Round 2: Question 7 QUESTION: FPTP/Plurality Electoral Systems encourage_______, while electoral systems based on Proportional Representation encourage ___________. ANSWER: two-party systems; multiparty systems

16 Round 2: Question 8 QUESTION: What is a key difference between interest groups and political parties? ANSWER: Political parties nominate and run candidates for office but interest groups do not

17 Round 2: Question 9 QUESTION: How do interest groups differ in authoritarian states as opposed to democratic ones? ANSWER: Serve as “transmission belts” to convey party beliefs rather than pluralist groups that try to influence public policy

18 Round 2: Question 10 QUESTION: Explain the difference between a referendum and a plebiscite ANSWER: Referendum – nat’l ballot called by govt on a policy issue – voters decide outcome directly Plebiscite – nonbinding vote to gauge public opinion on an issue

19 Round 3: Citizens, Society & the State

20 Round 3: Question 1 QUESTION: Identify 3 bases of social cleavage (*not looking for coinciding/cross-cutting) ANSWER: Social Class, Ethnicity, Religion, Region

21 Round 3: Question 2 QUESTION: Term for a citizen’s capacity to understand and influence political events ANSWER: Political Efficacy

22 Round 3: Question 3 QUESTION: Countries with this type of regime usually have higher levels of social capital ANSWER: Democratic

23 Round 3: Question 4 QUESTION: Political ideology that believes the state has a strong role to play in the economy and public benefits to make society more equal BUT also values personal freedoms and private ownership ANSWER: Socialism

24 Round 3: Question 5 QUESTION: Define political socialization AND identify one agent of political socialization ANSWER: Process by which basic political attitudes and beliefs are developed Agents include family, schools, government, media, religious organizations

25 Round 3: Question 6 QUESTION: Two defining components of civil society
ANSWER: Voluntary and outside of the state

26 Round 4: Political & Economic Change

27 Round 4: Question 1 QUESTION: What are the 3 trends of development as outlined in class notes? ANSWER: Democratization, Movement toward market economies, Revival of Ethnic/Cultural Politics

28 Round 4: Question 2 QUESTION: Describe the difference between a command and market economy ANSWER: Command – central planners plan economies based on plans and quotas – public/gov’t ownership of means of production; Market – economic decisions based on supply and demand of consumers; private ownership of means

29 Round 4: Question 3 QUESTION: Term for the process of limiting the power of the state over private property and market forces ANSWER: Economic Liberalization

30 Round 4: Question 4 QUESTION: Identify what each of the following measures: GDP, Gini Coefficient, Freedom House Rating, HDI ANSWER: GDP = size of economy, Gini = inequality, Freedom House = Political Rights and Civil Liberties, HDI = standard of living

31 Round 4: Question 5 QUESTION: Explain the difference between a procedural (illiberal) and substantive (liberal) democracy ANSWER: Procedural – free and fair elections Substantive – free and fair elections + more political rights and civil liberties

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