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Section 3 Beliefs and Practices

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1 Section 3 Beliefs and Practices
Omar Reyes Diego Chavira David Escoto Miguel Castillo Period 4

2 Introduction For this section, we will be discussing Trinity Jesus Sin
Salvation Christian Living The Church

3 Trinity Christians believe in only one God.
God is the creator of all things. Both visible and Invisible All knowing all loving and all powerful. God is present and never changing.

4 Trinity Christians hold that there are three persons in one God.
The Father The Son The Holy Spirit The Holy Trinity is central to Christian faith.

5 Jesus Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity Making him God
According to Incarnation Doctrine -God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ Incarnation: "Enfleshed" For Christians it is the taking on of human nature by God's Son. Jesus is fully human and divine.

6 Jesus God became fully human so that human beings can be closer to him. Jesus was human in all aspects except sin. 

7 Sin Sin helps us understand why we need Jesus.
Sin is an offense against God For Christians, Adam and Eve were the first sinners.  Original Sin Original Sin: Resulting from Adam's first sin of disobedience. Can be washed away in Christian Baptism.

8 Salvation God chose to redeem humanity through Jesus.
There is not a single sin that God cannot forgive. Christians believe that those who truly follow Jesus and his way of living are saved from sin. When they die they will be united with Jesus in Heaven. 

9 Christian Living Christians follow the Ten Commandants, that is contained in the Torah. You Shall Have No Other Gods But Me. Some Christians believe that to love God they must destroy what they perceive to be the enemies of God. Others have interpreted that loving God is loving what he created. Imperfect Human beings

10 Christian Living Jesus states that one of the laws of Moses and reinterprets it in a radical personal matter. Adultery is an example. In Christian living, adultery is not committed by action, but by thought. Basically, Christian living calls people to go beyond the minimum and act as Jesus would act. Love others No resistance Put on the mind of Christ

11 The Church The Church is a gathering of those who believe under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Church -Is the name given to the "convocation" or "assembly" of the people God has called from everywhere.  The Catholic Church is the Church established by Jesus Christ with the Apostles as the foundation. 

12 The Church The Church possesses...
The fullness of the means of salvation. Correct and complete confession of faith. Full sacramental life. Ordained ministry in apostolic succession.

13 The Church Christians believe... That they are the New Israel.
That the coming of Jesus was the fulfillment of Gods promise to the Jews. Bound by a new covenant established by Jesus Christ.

14 5 Question Quiz 1. What are the three persons of the Holy Trinity?
2. Jesus if fully divine as he is fully _______  3. What is an offense against God called? 4. What is the name of the ten rules that Christians follow which are contained in the Torah as well? 5 .Who established the Church and put the Apostles as the foundation? EC:Who were the first sinners in Christian  belief? 5 Question Quiz

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