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V.I.D.E.O. Video-cv to Increase and Develop Employment Opportunities VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING Irene Salerno 2 nd Partnership workshop Thessaloniki,

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Presentation on theme: "V.I.D.E.O. Video-cv to Increase and Develop Employment Opportunities VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING Irene Salerno 2 nd Partnership workshop Thessaloniki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 V.I.D.E.O. Video-cv to Increase and Develop Employment Opportunities VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING Irene Salerno 2 nd Partnership workshop Thessaloniki, December 11 th 2009

2 VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING Concerning the final tuning of the Video CV Model, according to the outcomes of the experimentation activity and related reports provided by Partners, it is possible to state that we can confirm: Who I Am; What I can Do; Me in The Future 1. The three sections-based structure (Who I Am; What I can Do; Me in The Future); 2 minutes as a maximum 2. The recommended duration of the Video (2 minutes as a maximum); 3. The script format (see following slide)

3 VIDEO-CV: SCRIPT FORMAT 1. Who I am Hello. My name is ____________________ I come from (if immigrant, or relevant). My life until now has been ____________________ My education was____________________ Until now, I have been working as -for / or I am currently working as - for 2. What I can do Doing concretely something. It is important to speak and explain while doing the activity; in this way, in fact, applicant gives to the potential employer, who will view the Video-CV, information about the level of awareness about what s/he is doing and –therefore- about her/his skills. It is also important to motivate and explain why it has been decided to show just that specific performance. Applicant could explain the reason why s/he choose to show a specific activity just at the end of her/his performance, thus creating a link to the next section (Me in the Future). 3. Me in the future I'd like to find a job (describing briefly but clearly what kind of job, role and company would you like to work for. Keep options open ____________________. I see myself, in the future, as ____________________ (applicant has to describe how s/he sees in the future, for what concerns the role –thus providing indications about their perspectives, aspirations, etc.)

4 VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING SUGGESTIONS COMING FROM THE EXPERIEMENTATION AND EVALUATION NATIONAL REPORTS According to the outcomes of the national experimentation reports, it is strongly suggested to exploit the VIDEO-CV tool not only for a target of over-45 years old women, but also to other disadvantaged target groups (such as immigrants, detained people, etc.) DO YOU ALL AGREE?

5 VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING SPECIAL RECOMMANDATION to be taken into consideration in order to final tune the model: Applicants must be sitting in front of the camera, not being standing; We have been warned that it would be worth to provide more information also about what are the previous working experiences of the applicants (What I have done. Illustrating users past work history), that led them towhat they can do today.

6 VIDEO-CV MODEL FINAL TUNING Therefore, section devoted to illustrate Who I am could be aimed also at shortly providing such information; It is better to avoid the interview style; Section Me in the future can create some problem: should be better devoted to express professional wishes.

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