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Location-Based Service (LBS) and Augmented Reality

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Presentation on theme: "Location-Based Service (LBS) and Augmented Reality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Location-Based Service (LBS) and Augmented Reality
CMPE 382: Technology Review1 (Copyright: all materials are taken from web)

2 Money Question What’s the hottest technology in the next 5 years?


4 Wikitude AR Travel Guide

5 WIKITUDE Drive - AR Navigation

6 WIKITUDE Drive - AR Navigation
People are just xxx committed to not being able to read a map or remember where to xxx go, this is obviously technology created by men who don't want to ask for directions. If I ever see someone driving around holding an iphone in front of their face I'm slamming head first into them, guess what? They wont see me coming!

7 Challenges for Persuasive Computing
Technology vs. Human Society

8 Entertainment

9 How’s AR Related to Computer Engr
Real-time processing Wireless communication Human-machine interface Embedded OS

10 What Else? “Killer Applications”? “Useful Things to Think of”
Location based calendar Location based blog scrawls

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